Vegan cooking is expensive and complicated?! 😳

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35 replies
  1. Besseva Raven
    Besseva Raven says:

    I've tried various tofu dishes and haven't found anything that I enjoy. Maybe it's the ingredients or the texture…idk but I'll never be vegan. My Dr's have already told me not to try. My body needs the animal nutrients as vitamins and supplements often leave me sick as a God and borderline malnourished

  2. Jeovanni Perez
    Jeovanni Perez says:

    Well vegan groceries can be expensive especially a family of let’s say 4-5 otherwise for one person it definitely isn’t and the cooking definitely doesn’t not take long only take about 30 minutes at most with all my cooking

  3. fairy bliss
    fairy bliss says:

    I became plant based around the time meat prices were soaring. I spend much less on groceries now. Vegan eating is cheaper, if you cook the food yourself and avoid the processed fake meats.

  4. FactMaster
    FactMaster says:

    But I guess the response recipes you make are really complicated and lengthy and expensive products are used
    Here in India we use simple methods have developed fast coming methods and cheaper ones

  5. Akansha Dhamija
    Akansha Dhamija says:

    Just an information for u
    Vegan foods are really cheap in India as the main food eaten in India is vegan and all these things are organically cultivated in the fields here in India
    I luv IndiaπŸ§‘πŸ€πŸ’š

  6. Mascha Lehman
    Mascha Lehman says:

    Her recepes are not realy for people who struggle with hard financial Problems. I would Love to be vegan but i have no real choice, i have to eat the foods from the donations and foodsharingprogramms.

  7. Anna Mar
    Anna Mar says:

    I am not vegan but I am deeply interested in the vegan way of cooking, and I gotta say one this, that is for sure is that if you do not try to look for vegan replacement of not vegan food, then the cooking is already not expensive tasty but yet easy to do, and made with of the healthiest food we already have.
    And If you too like me like to try vegan cooking but sometimes maybe let something not vegan slip in (like cheese )do not hold back !! Every diet is different we can't expect for everyone to eat the same.

    Her recipes are always delicious so give it a try !!! Happy cooking


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