Vegan CARNE ASADA Made with Seitan!

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43 replies
  1. silvsilvsilv
    silvsilvsilv says:

    I was wondering if you've ever had vegan Çiğ köfte. There's a place in my home town that sells it, but for obvious reasons they won't tell me the recipe xD. It's made with bulgur and a whole lot of herbs and spices, and it's absolutely delicious.

  2. linzertube
    linzertube says:

    Good to see you well again, TheeBurgerDude! I’ve always wanted to try Sam’s vegan steak recipe, and this is a tasty way to prepare and serve it…can’t ever go wrong with Mexican flavours, so, big thanks!

  3. Roy Siegel
    Roy Siegel says:

    Instead of soaking paper in oil, dip an onion cut in half and grease up the grill with it. then you can leave it on the grill for some delicious grilled onion action

  4. danié v
    danié v says:

    yummm! as a mexican i can recommend to use a piece of onion with oil for the grill instead of the napkin 😉 makes a big difference and it'll infuse your grill and food!!!

  5. Andrea Walker
    Andrea Walker says:

    I have never had carne asada so I didn't have high hopes for this video, but OMG that looks delicious! The combination of those spices (especially the chipotle in adobo) is making my mouth water 😋. I'll put this in my "Try later" folder, thanks!

  6. MrHandsomeboynow
    MrHandsomeboynow says:

    My lady’s favorite food is tacos, and she’s on a seitan kick right now. This is perfect… for her. Sometimes her seitan is chewy and seemingly uncooked, like it doesn’t set up, even after lots of steaming, any help?

  7. Betty
    Betty says:

    Hey Thee Burger Dude! This looks great!! Did you ever try beet powder or grated beets for the red dye? It might taste rooty, like beets, but sometimes beets are sweet. And they definitely add nutritional value. Can't wait for your book! Thanks for the inspiration.

  8. Zamorsnacc
    Zamorsnacc says:

    Hope you're feeling better, Burger Man! The carne asada looks fantastic! I'm not a big fan of seitan, but I might just have to give this recipe a fair chance


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