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HOW TO COOK BLACK EYED PEAS..with no meat. This video I am going to show you how to cook black eye peas in a crockpot …

30 replies
  1. RB the Garden Nanny, LLC
    RB the Garden Nanny, LLC says:

    Okay, was looking for a black eyed peas recipe (Vegan Style) and yours was the first one to pop up. All I can say is you should smell my house and you should taste my beans after I made this “today” in my pressure cooker. It took me 60 minutes and you are so right it is Awesome. I can’t wait for my husband to walk in from work and smell this goodness. Thanks so much for sharing. New sub and gardener friend. I hope you have other vegan recipes.

  2. Lyndsey MacPherson
    Lyndsey MacPherson says:

    Searched for "vegan black-eyed peas" and your video was at the top, and I'm so glad! Love this recipe, this is exactly what I needed to learn. Can't wait to watch more from your channel. Thanks for this!

  3. Ms Mayfield
    Ms Mayfield says:

    Hi!I don’t know if you would ever see this because this video is two years old; I made these black eyes today, they are the best I’ve ever had!!!! thank you for the recipe💕💕💕

  4. voicesinthewoods
    voicesinthewoods says:

    Thank you for this recipe! My boyfriend is from Texas and has been asking me to make Black Eyed Peas. I've actually never had them before (i'm from Minnesota and grew up in a Mexican family). Thanks to this recipe, i can make them now! Thank you! One question- Were the black eyed peas in the crockpot dried black eyed peas? If so, did you use one pound or two pounds? Also, do you think you could make a video on how to make vegan Okra and vegan corn bread? He keeps asking for Vegan Black eyed peas and Okra with vegan cornbread. Thanks so much!

  5. tpouncil
    tpouncil says:

    Looking at vegan soul food recipes and somehow ended up here. I kept thinking…. This guy looks familiar. Lol. I am Toya's cousin. Love the recipe and the garden looks amazing. Always wanted my own garden.

  6. Lisa Edwards
    Lisa Edwards says:

    You say you both noticed a big difference in your lifestyle with a plantbased diet, but you didn't say what. I'd love to know how it has enhanced your life. This is a GREAT video – I am going to buy smoked salt for my beans. Never thought of that. When people watch cooking videos, the tasting seals the deal – please consider incorporating a tasting session so we can see your response to the beautiful plants you're preparing. Again, great video.


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