Vegan Black Bean Enfrijoladas and Q & A with Dr. Niki Davis!

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12 replies
  1. L F
    L F says:

    Make sure your beans and corn (tortillas) are organic! The conventional crops are doused in glyphosate! Glyphosate destroys the gut microbiome because it's a toxic antibiotic!!

  2. Lulu & Meow
    Lulu & Meow says:

    I love the ingredients but I don't see the point of putting the beans through the blender and cooking them, then dipping the tortilla into the beans, why not just eat the beans as they are, hot or cold, and put them and the other fresh ingredients inside the tortillas? Also, I don't like the idea of placing raw ingredients like lettuce and tomato on top of the boiling hot beans. Personally I wouldn't even bother with the tortillas, I'd just have a big bean and veggie salad bowl.

  3. Zuni Sanchez
    Zuni Sanchez says:

    Cubans eat black beans and white rice and when cooked together is called “congri”. Christians and moors. Yuca and malanga with dressing called “mojo”. Mexican eat more pinto beans than black beans.

  4. michael engel
    michael engel says:

    Steam beans in a pressure cooker. Black beans need 2 rounds. Steam corn, eggplant, tomatoes, butternut squash, sliced zucchini, potatoes.. whatever in rd #2 above a sieve. Rice separately.


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