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This video is about UPGRADING MY QUARANTINE RAMEN | DAILY VLOG S3.E48 If you want to check out what I have for sale go here: …

23 replies
  1. ParalegalNfashion
    ParalegalNfashion says:

    How about a 10 questions/ things you didn't know about me video? I'd like to know things like what got you into thrifting? Your favorite piece that you own? How did you get into decorating? Age? Favorite movie? Will you come and decorate my house 😉? Things like that!

  2. Barb Mcintyre
    Barb Mcintyre says:

    Love the coffee drink you made. Looks delicious! I sure enjoyed seeing your patios make over. Would also enjoy seeing other makeover you do. Yummy toasted croissant sandwiches, my favorite.

  3. Chris Prpich
    Chris Prpich says:

    Your so lucky , it’s warm there, we still have lots of snow here in Canada, and today it’s Minus 20 degrees here where I live. We need warm weather.Loved your video, keep them coming , they are bringing so much joy. Stay safe with your family. 😀❤️🌼🌻🌷

  4. Bertie’s Bargains
    Bertie’s Bargains says:

    Hadrian, your eye itching at the beginning of the video, concerned me. Watch out for that, conjunctivitis was one of the symptoms I heard of the “cv” my fam just got over a bad flu. As you know all they ( the doctors) tell us is to stay home and I understand why. However we all had the flu at my house , the symptoms were all over the board. We had fever, eye irritation, diarrhea, nausea, deep chest cough ,headache , congestion. We used lots of Gatorade, Emergency- C , Mucinex, Tylenol, Vick’s, vaporizers, chicken soup with oregano. Oregano is an anti viral. Lots of hot teas, I love doctors and nurses believe me, my doc is on speed dial but right now we are alone, we need to fight at home for as long as possible. We are now doing all the stuff our grams taught us.
    I think one of my grandkids is the super spreader in my house, he got a slight cold and coughed all over the house and like dominos we all got it. LOL Thankfully I am the old bitty in the home and I’m doing good. My back still hurts to breath deep, but I’m staying positive.
    That’s good you wipe everything that comes into the home too, we are doing the same. From listening to you speak of your family…. they are in the medical or sciences fields I gather. So you probably have better tips than me but I still wanted to post this in case it helps some one else.
    Be safe , be healthy, be positive.
    I absolutely love your shows. I love your bags, I own several of them.
    I love your family, I can relate, cause I have a similar living situation with my daughter and her lil fam living with us. I love it . Family is everything and it makes quarantine easier . Have a great day

  5. Caffine addict
    Caffine addict says:

    You can make ramin burgers, fried noodles,stir fry not just soup with it.Perfect zombie food like spam, you put fried spam in the fried noodles with green onions like pansit style.


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