Unlock Food Independence: Freeze and Can Your Own Foods, Sweet Corn, Black Beans, Jalapeno Peppers

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I hope you enjoy this video all about freezing sweet corn, canning black beans and making pickled jalapeno peppers. The new …

33 replies
  1. yt tube
    yt tube says:

    This would be great. I put up more pickles myself, not as many as last year about half the pints. It was a cool spring then became very warm quickly 112 so nothing set. Anything that hot tends to make the vegies taste bitter because the plants are so stressed.

  2. Connie H
    Connie H says:

    Hello Amy,
    It was lovely to meet you and your daughter today at Lowes. You two are just as darling in person as you are on YouTube. I realized I did not tell you my name, it is Connie.
    Have a wonderful day.

  3. Lisa
    Lisa says:

    Love your channel I just wish it wasn't voice over. I feel at least for me it's hard to connect with the blogger whenever it's voice over.🙏❣

  4. Connie Robertson
    Connie Robertson says:

    Hi Amy Great Video .I love to do Canning.This brings back memories of my childhood helping my Sweet Mother .We always had a Big Garden .She would always do Canning I loved helping her especially with the Corn 🌽 and picking beans and breaking them,we would sit 🪑 on the porch or under a big Willow Tree we had those are Special Memories For Me.Love seeing all of the Beautiful Children Blessings to You and Your Family.🙏💜

  5. Mary Cody
    Mary Cody says:

    Amy, what is the name of the blue chair that your baby is sitting in? My daughter had a new baby in May, and I would like to try to get one for her but I don’t know what the chair is called. Thanks for another great video. May God continue to bless you and your family.

  6. Lee Korten
    Lee Korten says:

    It's so lovely watching you all preparing the food for the coming winter, and enjoying the task as a family. You all make a perfect team together. Have a wonderful weekend 💞

  7. Paula Flory
    Paula Flory says:

    When I am canning green beans, if I don’t have enough to fill a canner, I just add some jars of black beans. It’s a good way to get some extra black beans canned!
    We did sweet corn last Saturday…147 pint!! I only kept 120 pt and let my mother in law have some and that will be enough for me for two years. The farmer plants some for us when he plants the corn and that happens every other year.
    I do have a question, why do you wash the ears of corn?

  8. Karen Eakers
    Karen Eakers says:

    Hi, my name is Karen and I’m new to your channel, and so far I really have enjoyed watching your videos!
    Love to watch you can and preserve food, we put up some corn the other day in the freezer and we also cut it off the cob to fry it, we love it like that, it’s so delicious
    May God bless you and your family

  9. Nancy Steele
    Nancy Steele says:

    Girl…I remember last year's corn too. Your skill with removing it from the cob is amazing! I'm inspired to try black beans. Chloe and Jameson are turning out to be such good helpers and Weston is such a good baby, watching Mom work. You and Lamar are a great team! Have a wonderful week. 💞

  10. sheilaclaired
    sheilaclaired says:

    My grandparents grew corn. I sat on their front porch many a day shocking it. Bushels and bushels. To this day (I'm 73) I still love shocking and eating corn on the cob with lots of sweet butter!

  11. Marti Lloyd
    Marti Lloyd says:

    Very cool! I've helped with corn before. Very sticky, but oh so worth it! I've done tomatoes, squash, peaches, apples, blueberries, grapes, pears… Jams and jellies. Chutneys too. Never done black beans or kidney beans… But you are the third person I have seen do them in a week. Thinking I may need to try! Glad everyone worked together on it. That's what makes canning fun!!
    Looking forward to seeing the rest of the kitchen redo.

  12. Rosemount Farms
    Rosemount Farms says:

    It’s wonderful to support local Agriculture! Thank you for your videos ! We live in Canada and enjoy fresh produce from our neighborhood too!
    We grow a large garden to preserve for winter
    Nothing better than good flavourful produce

  13. Liz Workman
    Liz Workman says:

    Great lesson on canning. I'll be canning peaches very soon and then salsa. It is the season for putting up food for the winter. Who knows how much food costs will rise. Its great that the whole family pitches in to help!

  14. Bobby Woods
    Bobby Woods says:

    Thank you so very much for sharing that was an awesome video I just learning how to can vegetables have a blessed and safe 1 you and your family😊❤😊 when you try the jalapeno peppers let me know how they taste


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