Unleashing Anecstral Power: Manifest your DIVINE LIFE!

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Today we embark on a journey that connects us with the very essence of who we are: our Ancestors.Exploring our lineage and …

38 replies
  1. Neyah
    Neyah says:

    What do you guys think? Did you work with your ancestors? Are your curious? Let me know if you like this topics and see you very soon with a new video❤

  2. no name
    no name says:

    Honestly… This is a really beautiful video. I've always felt really connected to some family members and we have similar interests. Also I'm an immigrant and I've often felt so torn and even "broken" because I haven't been to my country of origin enough. I think ancestors can defo affect things but we have the power to make our own lifepath.

  3. Nouhaila Obad
    Nouhaila Obad says:

    Neyah! So che il video non c’entra ma siccome tu te ne intendi di esoterismo vorrei chiederti se è possibile cosa significa mentre si sta cercando di manifestare una Sp di sognarla riflessa allo specchio e di affermare in terza persona ciò che voglio sapere però allo stesso tempo sapere che non è lei a parlare ma un demone . Se puoi interpretarlo se è possibile 🙏❤️grazie mille

  4. kristinradtke
    kristinradtke says:

    Wonderful video! I have worked with my ancestors for years quite naturally, and you helped me articulate a lot of the things I naturally do. Best of luck and much love on your upcoming delivery!

  5. Mirka
    Mirka says:

    hey Neyah! thank you for the video! I loved it 🥰 Yes, I would like more about history and basics of witchcraft, wicca and all that! Really grateful for all your work, much love! ❤

  6. Sane Z
    Sane Z says:

    You sayjng here that our ancestors might be our past selves😂😂.
    I dreamed myself as an old man and I was telling a demon to go back where he came from.
    I just thought it was weird of dreaming myself as an old man 😅.
    Then yesterday i asked my parents about my lineage ,apparently one of my forefather was a great fortune teller and shaman😮.

  7. Rachel Brooks
    Rachel Brooks says:

    It’s nutty to hear you say you’ve always been called to England. I’m 2nd gen, my grandparents are English. I briefly lived in London a few years ago, and before that lived in France and Spain. Whenever I’m in in Europe, but especially London, there’s a very special feeling of home and everything flowing miraculously. But just in the last week I’ve been feeling called to London again. So I love hearing your story and insights! 🇬🇧♥️

  8. Noel
    Noel says:

    In my opinion souls of ancestors don't get involved in earthly things, but because they connected to certain spirituality, your dna memory will make you connect much deeper to the forms of God and rituals your ancestors did. That is why it's said that if you get married and you want that ritual to be very powerful you need to get married with a ritual similar than your ancestors did.
    This modern thing of celebrating hindu wedding when you are european is suposed to not be beneficial, in terms of… The ritual loses power, it wont be the same as something related to your ancestors culture

  9. admygalaxy3
    admygalaxy3 says:

    This one is hard for me. I feel almost no connection to any of my blood relatives. I don't have a relationship with any of them since my parents are both dead now. Before i only knew of anything family did through my mom. I have siblings i wasn't raised with whom i never see. They were much older than me. I call myself an only child with siblings. I found out after my dad died that there was a half sister out there none of us knew about. Everyone was shocked…. And then nothing happened. No one tried to reach out to her, and i kept asking my mom about it and kept getting put off, and then a few months later the half sister had died…i think that was the last time i really had any desire to connect with any of my family. They didn't care. They had a half sister and were just like, meh, about it. It didn't matter.
    My parents were both deeply sad people who had been through a lot and had basically accepted that their lives were all they could have. They didn't have big dreams. They didn't have grand experiences. They had been beat down enough that they just gave up on every having more. My siblings all have a similar energy. U just can't…. Be around it. I feel like my entire family is just this energy draining… Not angry or evil but just… Apathetic and not hopeful. I've never had a relationship with cousins or aunts and uncles or grandparents. We've all just been disconnected. Not hating each other just not a part of each other's lives.
    It's hard to feel like my ancestors can have anything important to contribute to who i am and the journey I'm on when no single person in any of my closer family feels connected to me in any meaningful way. I almost feel like i was born into this family just as a convenient access point to the world but we aren't actually connected.

  10. Lady Fab
    Lady Fab says:

    My mother is also from Sardinia and my father from Marche… maybe that’s why I resonate so much with you and what you say my “sister” ❤

  11. ray
    ray says:

    Hey neyah if everything is possible and every possibility exists is there a reality where im still 16? And can i enter the possibility of being 16 again and reliving my life again from that point?

  12. aly mvb
    aly mvb says:

    Neyah, I love your videos on more esoteric topics. Finding ways to infuse novelty into our manifestation practice (as more experienced manifesters) can be difficult, but these videos are perfect for that purpose. I would love to see more videos like this in the future!❤

  13. Fan the punk lite princess
    Fan the punk lite princess says:

    also gotta say i didn't come into this video expecting to fully alilgn with it bc i don't have a strong familial connection inside of me as far as blood is concerned. at least i didn't think… one side of my family was abusive (not to me, to my mom and aunt) so i always felt like why would i wanna care about these people who inflicted pain and passed down trauma. and i still feel that way, but this video also reminded me that my other grandma was an opera singer and maybe it's not a coincidence that i sing for fun but taking it seriously literally every day of my life… and maybe i could work harder to try to connect with that side of my family better. really thinking i'm gonna dig deeper into this stuff like u have. and excitedly so!

  14. Fan the punk lite princess
    Fan the punk lite princess says:

    another awesome video!! the info u provide on this channel/ your unique insight is literally such important work. learning so much from u and i'm grateful 🙂 also wondering … do u feel like being pregnant has enhanced ur intuition at all or anything like that? wishing u the healthiest happiest delivery of your little one neyah!

  15. Inga Lien
    Inga Lien says:

    Thanks for talking about this! I am absolutely fascinated by my ancestors and their wisdom. I feel very connected to them, more and more as I get older. Especially now, after my dear grandmother‘s passing six months ago… I feel her presence and think about her mother‘s mothers every day. In a way I almost always think and imagine them in their youth, like they lived, not necessarily old and weak like when they passed. I really feel all those who walked here before us are our guardian angels. 😊 I really want to learn more about the theories about ancestors.

  16. Capri
    Capri says:

    I found out last year that astrocartography actually shows our past lives. Here's why – I unearthed all my past lives with my "twin" over the last four years and last year I learned about astrocartography. More for fun I looked up all the places were we lived together and it turned out that both he and me have lines in those places and in some cases they even crossed right in the exact same cities/regions! It's really fascinating.

  17. sea breeze
    sea breeze says:

    astrology has past life as ketu and mula I was likely my mother's grandfather (mula moon in 4th) om ketaveh namaha 21 times for 21 days helps
    sometimes we're here to end the family name or start another
    moving to england was celtic across the channel
    i dream of song lyrics or voices booming what to do, that said of finding my soulmate "the problems of other people are not necessarily your own" so sometimes it's another person's destiny
    look into ancestral memory it's also referenced in assassin's creed
    nice to see you read sheldrake it's like jungian collective unconscious but biological – explains genetic sexual attraction
    some families are famed for a rare occupation so tabula rasa is silly
    scientifically most of our friends share dna
    the blood is the life we joke about a family blood curse where anyone wronging us has bad luck

  18. Sunny Shore
    Sunny Shore says:

    I used to live a stone throw from Stonehenge. I grew up there for a while and am very fond of the area. It's full of crop circles, megalithic sites and near Glastonbury etc. Many villages have thatched houses and people sound like Hobbits.

  19. Camillina
    Camillina says:

    Ciao, l’altro giorno stavo cercando una citta che amo su google, da quel momento trovo il nome di quella città ovunque, che tra l’altro è la città dove voglio trasferirmi, secondo te è una coincidenza o un segno?

  20. Raye
    Raye says:

    Love this! I'm American and I have never felt home here. I feel much more connected to my German and Celtic roots. I even had a psychic tell me that I didn't feel American to her. Which to her meant I'd be moving back to my roots (which Ive always wanted!)

  21. Tryggvason Elise
    Tryggvason Elise says:

    Hello! This resonate more than I expected! I have also been really attracted to england for some reason. I really wanted to move there at some point, but i gave up at some point before i knew about loa.
    But, I have been thinking about that again for the past couple of days.

    I need to look into it!! Its like england is part of my life for some reason. And it seems to be also the case for some of my family. Maybe I am suppose to move there, like i always wanted ^^

    I have been feeling like I am about to do something huge but i am not sure what. Last time i felt this way i manifested a huge shift into my life.
    I have been wondering about my higher path these days. 🙂


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