Unique Boba Dessert You Need To Try!

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Unique Boba Dessert You NEED To Try! #shorts #boba #dessert Dessert is from Shin Kong Mitsukoshi A8 (floor B2) in Taipei, …

28 replies
  1. Winefreda Fernando
    Winefreda Fernando says:

    Where do you buy a tell me tell me tell me now tell me right now tell me right now tell me right now tell me right now tell me right now tell me right now tell me right now tell me right now tell me right now tell me right now my hands are hurting tell me right now tell me right now tell me why not tell me right now tell me right now tell me right now tell me right now tell me right now tell me now i can't take it anymore but i have to finish this tell me right now tell me right now tell me right now now right now tell me my tell me right now tell me right now tell me now right now tell me right now tell me right now tell me right now tell me right now tell me right now tell me tell me right now tell me right now tell me right now tell me right now ok enough😂

  2. Noni Boni44 VA ASMR'S🦋
    Noni Boni44 VA ASMR'S🦋 says:

    My brain on the first second of the vid: AW YAAAAAY NOW SHE IS SINGING ,,I need your love"❤❤

    My brain after hearing it's no singing there: sniff sniff saady but her voice is still cute, hihi~♡

    Btw I love your videos sooo muchhhh❤❤ do you do shout outs?? Then pweeeaaaaseeeee❤❤❤❤❤


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