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40 replies
  1. Gater Coles
    Gater Coles says:

    Mannn Lamar playing wit everybody head cept mines our team is his team lol he just want his money …but nowww we gettin him weapon on top weapon he d be a fool ta leave this calibur team ..I tell ya first I bet Lamar stays

  2. Mr.
    Mr. says:

    It seems as if Lamar wants out I don't understand because they offered him a good contract maybe he has to ununderstand like Hollywood brown that the grass isn't always green on the other side as his numbers dropped with the cardinals. I'm a huge Lamar fan but I can say this is ridiculously frustrating from a fan standpoint and he is making this all about him which will hurt him in the future

  3. joe smith
    joe smith says:

    Lamar is done with being the cleanup man for the Ravens dysfunctional offense. Phlliy, Miami, and Buffalo showed the blueprint of how to build around a quarterback. For Lamar career sake as a quarterback he needs to run away from Baltimore and get with a team with a competent head coach and offensive coordinator. The Ravens are a dead end.

  4. Brenda Smith
    Brenda Smith says:

    Lamar needs to be careful… They will blackball him out of this league….he don't need to post or speak until he decided if he going to play or not….I would take a 3 yr deal work hard with a no trade ..Lamar need to be smart, don't leave no money on the table….they show you who they are conduct yourself accordingly and get the bag…

  5. Mo Brown
    Mo Brown says:

    The Eagles are one example JUST ONE! I also like to think their defensive acquisitions had a lot to do with it also.
    AJ is an assist we could’ve drafted but Lamar opted for Hollywood ~ but I digress.
    Unfortunately your channel has become a Lamar fan boy channel.
    Been a supporter since the car videos ….
    and The Ravens need to change their philosophy? Oh okay so forget building a good/great all around team … as long as we get them weapons …. Then the Ravens going to win multiple Super Bowls.
    Honestly can wait for this to be over …. at this point I’m almost ready for Lamar to leave and take his Dan boys with him to whatever team signs him. Well most will be gone when Lamar is out of the league in 3-4 years anyway.

    For all those that say crazy things like trying and failing doesn’t mean anything. And it’s just viewed as a failure, must not have accomplished ANYTHING substantive in their personal life because we as humans fail… we fail a-lot. The intelligent ones learn from their failures …. those that just can’t get right tend to blame everyone else for their failures. Much like the legion of Lamar Ravens fans ~ place Lamar’s lack of success on everyone else BUT LAMAR HIMSELF

  6. Casino foreva 🎰
    Casino foreva 🎰 says:

    One of the main reasons mark andrews succeeded so much is because we didn’t have weapons on the outside. Hollywood was great downfield but he’s not a true go get it wide receiver. Such as a anquan boldin. Hollywood needed a true wr 1 on the other side to really see his potential. And Lamar need someone he can trust and for now it’s only andrews and Bateman when healthy last year. I’m glad too see us have quality depth and let’s hope we not done the sky is the limit for Lamar and the ravens if he stays

  7. Ravens 3rd Ring
    Ravens 3rd Ring says:

    6 QB’s have been extended with new contracts since Watson. Everyone else getting their money 💰 EXCEPT Lamar!!
    Every player taking too little-only Lamar the smart one 😂-how’s that working out??

  8. MARI
    MARI says:

    Jalen Hurts,Patrick Mahomes,Josh Allen etc never had to worry about defenses calling out their plays at any point in their careers i’m just saying

  9. Matt H
    Matt H says:

    Ravens set out to change the QB setup in the nfl. They wanted to get a new running QB every few years. Like college. They just never could have expected Lamar to be so good!

  10. Matt H
    Matt H says:

    I don’t fall into the narrative that he just wants money. It’s looking more and more like Lamar is holding out over personal issues. Bmore has been at bottom of offensive talent spending. I don’t doubt he said he wants Dhop and obj. He wants a big commitment from ravens. That they want the Super Bowl as badly as he does.

  11. MadChanic Garage
    MadChanic Garage says:

    I think Lamar’s mvp season hurt him aswell cause he won it with a lackluster receiver core and ravens was like give him ok talent and he should be fine but obviously that ain’t work

  12. Connor Erhardt
    Connor Erhardt says:

    Sadly I think the only way that they will go and get Hopkins is if the chargers take the wr the ravens have their eye on in the draft and Arizona agrees to take some of the cap hit from his contract with them. But it’s definitely not impossible just improbable

  13. John
    John says:

    Stop saying that what we know about he was offered. Not one single report has come out from the ravens or from Lamar that he was offered 200 million. If so can you please show me and not from some reporter from the actual two sources

  14. cardai love
    cardai love says:

    I would disagree ingraven and here's why. They put wayyyy to much trust in Lamar and his abiliity to will this team to victories. We all know Lamar has won with significantly less and it's been that way since he was drafted. EDC and the ravens front management took this as a opportunity to bolster the defense. Just look at the scheme and all the trades and free agent accusations over the years. Lamar has been superman for too long it's time to get him help and Lamar knows this

  15. DaStashh.
    DaStashh. says:

    With that report coming out I agree with Lamar wholehearted more than I did before. You won't see that from the main reporters tho but he should be over paid if you're going to run him into the ground like a rb and then claim he can't finish the season.


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