Ultimate 2023 Vegan Holiday Gift Guide for all Budget Levels! 🎁 | Plant-Based

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Get ready for a festive season filled with compassion and conscious gifting! Join Jeremy from PB with J (Plant-Based with Jeremy) …

25 replies
  1. @dandelionrising4584
    @dandelionrising4584 says:

    Julie from Michigan! My daughter, she's 9 and she begs me to watch your channel. Finds your kids hilarious.
    Her birthday is December 13 and I told her for her birthday we would comment for a shout out🤣
    Thank you for your content from one WFPB family to another!🤸

  2. @HeyMurn
    @HeyMurn says:

    Hello from Minnetonka, Minnesota! I just discovered your videos and I have been going back and forth between a junk food vegan diet and a whole food plant based one for a few years now. Your recipes always look amazing.

  3. @ginsoakedgirl4
    @ginsoakedgirl4 says:

    Hi! I've been watching your videos for a couple months now. Maya from Brooklyn NY. I've been vegan for almost four years, but vegetarian for 25 years before that. My only regret is not going vegan sooner. The vegan cookbooks I use the most are from Vegan Richa. Thanks for the content xoxoxo

  4. @darshaenns4900
    @darshaenns4900 says:

    Great suggestions! Some of my favorite vegan gifts I’ve received are vegan goodies ordered in like snacks, chocolate, stroop waffles, etc. I also appreciate when my husband orders something we can’t find (we live in rural Kansas) that can help us make vegan goodies. I also always love receiving cookbooks!

  5. @crazyfarmgirl606
    @crazyfarmgirl606 says:

    Crystal from montgomery tx😂
    Beyond steak tips yum ee 😋!!!!
    Jack and annies sasauges
    Vegan corn dogs
    Beyond beef meat
    All of these are legit any meat eater would enjoy
    Not great for wfpb or weight loss but these will showcase delish alternatives to meat❤
    Thanks for your fun and funny antics and hardwork putting together this channel.
    Also for having been kind to me when i told you about losing my son i will not forget that ❤

  6. @samjones9465
    @samjones9465 says:

    If things are tight this year or you're out of ideas don't forget that sometimes time is the best thing you can give. I give my daughter 3 weekends a year that I'll have the grandbabies for her "Just coz…" I also have them other times when they're going out etc but she knows she has 3 weekends a year "Just coz.. I'm knackered" Just coz I need to deep clean without the babies around. Just coz I want a bath with no interruptions, and a night on the sofa with her hubby Just coz I need sleep and some down time – she says she loves her "Just coz…" vouchers and they make her life so much better

  7. @catherinefreese9310
    @catherinefreese9310 says:

    I'm asking for a mug! It will provide inspiration and happiness every morning. I also like to support your channel, because I owe you for the help and great ideas you have passed along. And well… the mug is just cool.

  8. @tanyathienngern5494
    @tanyathienngern5494 says:

    Hello Jeremy and family 🎉
    My name is Tanya and I live in Orange, CA. I’ve been Vegan since I was 15 and this month I’m going to be 51!! Anyways, I ❤️watching your channel and your family! Thank you all!!!

  9. @jackie7061
    @jackie7061 says:

    Huh, til you said this i hadn't thought about compiling a list but feel like i could make a whole video now! For lower end i'd say give someone a bag of popcorn kernels and some premade mixes w instructions on how to pop it in the pan. I had no idea how easy it was and i don't even use oil: heat pot (has to have a lid for obvious reasons) in med high and throw one or two kernels in + put the lid on. When you hear it pop, put in 1/3 cup kernels and cover. Let it pop til you hear a break of 10 seconds between (can be like 5 i just find this leaves no unpopped kernels and nothing burns). Take off stove leave w lid for a little bit, less than a minute (i even do it seconds after) and throw it in a bowl. W the stove heat still on, put enough plant based butter (i find the nut based ones brown so i use oil based like earth balance when it's not a million dollars, can use coconut oil) in the pot and melt. Melt til you can pour it over the popped kernels then sprinkle with nooch and salt. Hot for food has some great recipes for mixes (love the dill one) and there you go. Great for when you can't with life and you can often get a decent deal on kernels at shoppers when they go on sale. I love the blue kernels.

    A knife is life changing. A good one. People don't know the hell they live in til they get a good one.

    Mixes like thee burger dude has a mac and cheese one and miyoki's book pantry staples is gold.

    Even making carmel popcorn is a good one (it doesn't taste like chicken has the recipe i use the most, oven part is just to spread the caramel more evenly).

    Vegan gift certificates like vegan supply that ships or if local to vancouver this is plant curious is great subscription box or to places like virtuous pie or to live for.

    Honestly, most vegans just want a giant bag of nooch or big bottle of apple cider vinegar but the other stuff is cute.

    Could go on a on tbh, a great topic. Now to have to go back and get the spellcheck to work. Aya.

  10. @esragodot
    @esragodot says:

    That was fun to watch. I like gifts that invite you to spend time together, like going to the cinema, theater, cooking together… And, Jeremy, the picture on the left behind you, the black and white one, is that Don Quixote? I've been fascinated by it for weeks.

  11. @Samantharichie1986
    @Samantharichie1986 says:

    I am just making the switch today, and since it's my birthday I made myself the Snickers milkshake from the book Plant You. So far, this is my favorite plant based treat. Sooo yummy; tastes like a very good chocolate milkshake 😋


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