Uki’s Bolognese Pasta Recipe! (see description)

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source: ✨ Uki’s bolognese pasta recipe! (Parenthesis are my words!) (Equipment: – A pan …

19 replies
  1. uki clips🔮
    uki clips🔮 says:

    The recipe is also typed up in the description! I’m very sorry it’s so long, I tried my best to make it as easy as possible so that you can still make this without any knowledge in cooking!

  2. yyuo
    yyuo says:

    I mostly cook pasta like Uki.. i just dont add alcohol and put garlic first, doesnt really know the difference about the time we put our garlics in… and the sauce isnt just for bolognese btw, u can also use it (pasta water) for making other sauces, the hack is so useful i swear, please use it 😋💝

  3. SanSan
    SanSan says:

    Omg this would be so nice if he could cook this for Fuu-chan on an offline collab. Like when all of them get together and split up doing different lives each day like Vox, Ike, Mysta and Nina’s the other day. 😊

  4. mejia
    mejia says:

    omgg chef uki 💜 will definitely try this recipe. thank you for clipping this ✨

    fufu chan is so damn lucky uki can cook for him 😳😩💜❤ malewife uki supremacy


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