UK Canning with Instant Pot Pro Plus: A Guide to Homemade Meal Preservation

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Discover a new way to create shelf stable, Homemade Meals with Instant Pot Pro Plus! Pressure canning is relatively …

21 replies
  1. @gaynorbowen241
    @gaynorbowen241 says:

    Great vlog Tracey. I’ve used mine a few times and referred to the FB group to for direction. They are a really helpful group of people. I’m only learning so more vlogs like this would be great to see. Appreciate the effort you put into this. Thanks

  2. @samiwise7189
    @samiwise7189 says:

    Hi, lovely video. Can I just ask on Instant pot website they state themselves that the canner function can only be safely used on high acid foods as they cannot guarantee that the pressure is maintained throughout the process. Is this something you are aware of? Or am I am I miss understanding the information? Thanks just curious.

  3. @julietempleton66
    @julietempleton66 says:

    Great video Tracy, my presto is great during the summer for large quantities but im loving my IP for the ease of doing small batches and i can keep trackb of it in the living room while watching netflix with the app and wifi 😉

  4. @Coxeysbodgering
    @Coxeysbodgering says:

    I'm in the same group! I haven't got the instata pot but did have the proking with canning function only managed to try once and not sure if it worked (divorce) I think they only went to 12lb will have to look into getting a instapot.

  5. @FitforKings_ley
    @FitforKings_ley says:

    Ohh… I’ve always been nervous of the idea of PC as the canners always seem a bit complicated. Seeing you use the instant pot makes it look a lot more accessible. Been away from YouTube for a while so have been bingeing all the vids I missed – lots of inspiration to get me back up to the allotment and in the kitchen after a few months of being in a bit of a rut! Have been enjoying catching up with your journey 😊 Emma x

  6. @seanmckeown6120
    @seanmckeown6120 says:

    Tracy you absolute star. Thanks so much for the demo. I'm planning on a slow cooked goat casserole today and would like to can the leftovers tomorrow. Do you think it would be sensible to warm everything before putting it in the canner
    Is there a difference in canning time for diced meat rather than minced? Once again thank you x

  7. @geoffanddebshipton6797
    @geoffanddebshipton6797 says:

    Brilliant stuff Tracy! You really are an excellent teacher. 😉 Getting affordable jars that will fit (other than Ball/Kilner) is proving to be a challenge here but I’m on the hunt! Thank you for doing this. Looking forward to more in this series. xx

  8. @sharonmorris924
    @sharonmorris924 says:

    Great video Tracy, It has given me the confidence to use my new instant pot. I also left the Facebook group as someone else mentioned some people were really nasty and so many disagreements which is a shame. More videos please ❤

  9. @susanhobkirk943
    @susanhobkirk943 says:

    Hi Tracy, thank you for this! I found you via the preserving and canning group and I’ve been subscribing for a while now. Hubby brought my Presto back from America 2 years ago and I’ve still not plucked the courage up to use it. I’ve bought Weck jars to use as I liked the look of them. Like you I have an Aga, so I’ve also bought a separate gas burner for better heat control. I must get the nerve up to start canning! I shall certainly go and rewatch your other preserving videos! Thank you for all your videos I always look forward to them!

  10. @myrustygarden
    @myrustygarden says:

    I think you do an amazing job of being self sufficient but with a twist of fun. The house must smell fantastic 😋😋. It’s finally raining here so it should melt our foot of snow so I can get outside for some jobs. Have an amazing weekend and stay safe, Ali ☔️☔️🇨🇦

  11. @stuffthings3481
    @stuffthings3481 says:

    Fantastic video nice clear info
    I have been pickling this week (egg, cabbage and garlic) , would u do a vid on that in the future? Im using the jars that have a rubber seel with a lock like a grolsh lager bottle (sorry don't know the terms haha) but am i ment to replace the rubber seel?
    U are so fantastic at homesteading lets hope one day u and ste can go full time id defo join u on patron if u ever got one. Stay safe in the snow ❄️

  12. @sarawalker8479
    @sarawalker8479 says:

    I’m a naughty canner. I often reuse supermarket jars and lids. But I use them for pickles, chutneys and jams. I rarely even can chutneys and jams mind you. I have also reused jars and lids for stock. I do use new purpose bought jars/lids for proper meals, meats etc. I wouldn’t want to risk wasting my time and money on those going wrong. I need that book, it’s been in my wish list forever!

  13. @mariajackson7024
    @mariajackson7024 says:

    Hi Tracy,
    I’ve been pressure canning for a couple of years now both with electric and presto (which still scares me to death) I’ve got the power quick pot which was made by JML it was the first uk pot with a canning function, electric canners are definitely the way forward, as you said you can just walk away from it without babysitting it, thank you so much for creating a pressure canning series, it was spot on, very informative indeed, I love having meals in a jar on the shelf ready to go, the only thing you could add is that when you reheat to eat it must be warmed for at least 10 minutes to ensure it’s totally safe, can’t wait for more canning videos, I really hope more people start doing this as it’s a total lifeline for me, it saves valuable freezer space, and saves time and money in the long run, the Facebook page preserving and canning uk is totally amazing, what those guys and girls on there don’t know isn’t worth knowing, they have been a godsend and as you know I do name drop you every now and then lol, have a great weekend, can’t wait as ever for the next video x


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