Two Years In the Making | Full July Garden Tour and Harvest

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AcreHomestead #BackyardHomestead #growingfood Green Stalk (Use Code ACRE for $10 an Order of $75+) …

19 replies
  1. sweetescapesoap
    sweetescapesoap says:

    the idea about your squash on slopes, its worked brilliantly for me. i have for the first time grown pumpkins and butternut squash on the steep slope of my garden that until this year was very difficult to maintain, was full of weeds and the perfect habitat for slugs – i planted the squash in old tyres at the top of the slope on the black plastic (only because I want to kill off the weeds below – problem horsetail and bindweed crazy this year) with drainage holes in the plastic (only where the tyres are), it meant I could fill the tyres with super rich horse manure, which super hungry squash love. The plastic not only suppresses/kills off the weeds below it beautifully and warms the plant, it also keeps the squash fruits clean.

  2. Tabatha Hagan
    Tabatha Hagan says:

    Can't wait to see you in the garden with your baby on your back or front with a baby holder… She will be making her own food by age 2…… Everything is looking great Becky and Josh…..💜💜💜❤️❤️❤️💙💙💙

  3. Wearsidelass
    Wearsidelass says:

    I have planted veg because I watch your videos. I have lots of tomatoes ripening, cucumbers and sweet peppers growing. Bugs ate my green beans and broccoli leaves. Oh carrots and radishes are growing too. Also, dill, beetroot, rhubarb, chard, celery and my ginger is growing! Thank you.

  4. Seek Wisdom
    Seek Wisdom says:

    Cooked cucumber “recipe”

    You peel and slice cucumbers
    chopped onion
    1 minced garlic
    1 chopped tomato
    ground cumin
    ground coriander
    salt and pepper
    Sautee everything in oil, ad a bit of water and cook it until fork tender
    Delicious cooked cucumbers!!

    I learned this year and really excited that I can freeze this cucumber side dish in order to use the extra cucumbers

  5. ladyeofani
    ladyeofani says:

    Can you please share your peach hot sauce recipe please? Pretty please??? I have a ton of cayenne and jalapeños ripening. We don't like cowboy candy so that peach hot sauce sounds amazing. Thank you


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