Tuscan Style Hearty Vegetable Soup for a Rainy Day!

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Today, we’re diving into a heartwarming Tuscan-style recipe that’s perfect for those cozy, cold, and wet days when you need …

20 replies
  1. Angela Bender
    Angela Bender says:

    I am a Tuscan and I do it differently 😂
    Firstly there is a proportion to be considered amongst the ingredients: one fourth mixed vegetables, one fourth cabbage including black cabbage or Tuscan kale, one fourth beans previously cooked and one fourth potatoes.
    Secondly potatoes are always present in vegetable soups to add creaminess
    Thirdly there are specific herbs to be added for flavor; in this case Tuscan would prefer either a final note of thyme or rosemary.
    And please the tomatoes are a secondary note a touch of color not a reddder than hell concoction that is probably acidid and unpleasant
    The secret ingredient is a piece fat from prosciutto and a piece of cleaned parmigiano reggiano crust to be added to the soffritto.
    Sorry but the art of soup making has just about disappeared in a world of sandwiches and fast foods

  2. Peter Norman
    Peter Norman says:

    Your videos are artwork and your recipes are fabulous. I love this soup but even though I trained as a plant-based chef, I keep imagining it with cubes of old fashioned ham. Either way, wonderful and nutritious. I’ll let you know if I try the carnivore’s version.

  3. Hanan Sarar
    Hanan Sarar says:

    So beautiful whisky big cuddles. He keeps his eyes 👀on you to make sure you are doing the recipes as it's supposed to be 😅. thank you chef for the recipe it's really so good in cold day 🦮😘😍❤


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