Turns out…I have COVID.

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Sad, but we’re doing our best. Let’s eat some of Aaron’s snacks and make some brothy soups.

31 replies
  1. Nancy Baker
    Nancy Baker says:

    You ARE a teacher! You teach us all every day. How to cook and experiment with food. And how to get in touch with ourselves and navigate life in a healthy way. Thanks, June, for opening yourself and being so honest and vulnerable with us.

  2. Sheila Mandra
    Sheila Mandra says:

    Vitamins c and d and zinc
    And I took a multi Vitamins women's 50 + 3 times a day it sounds little over kill but I had the 2 week covid and I literally felt amazing after 1 week on all the Vitamins even tho I still didn't feel the best:( sorry to hear your sick 😢

  3. L.
    L. says:

    I have children your age (dates me). I found your Budget Eats series 2 years ago and have loved every single one. Then Youtube led me to your "lives" and your other videos. I watch them all, but have never been able to catch a live. As I am a caregiver for a developmentally disabled adult child, so my schedule is erratic. I have learned from you. I have had my culinary curiosity expanded, and I have cried along with you. I believe that all of us sincerely care about you. I am so sorry you are sick and I hope you feel better soon. I love the broth you are making, especially the suggestions for turmeric (anti-inflammatory) and the black pepper which makes the turmeric's qualities more absorbable. A strong tea made with lots of fresh ginger, a sliced lemon and honey to taste is always soothing for me.

  4. Philippa Bembo
    Philippa Bembo says:

    New here and I’m so terribly sorry for your immense loss of your Mom. And with a Covid chaser. It seems you have a great amount of your Mother’s character, her strength and resourcefulness. Take care, I’m glad your community is reaching out to you💜

  5. Erin Berlin
    Erin Berlin says:

    Hope you're feeling much better very soon!! I know from having and regularly sleeping with two cats that they can be disruptive to that sleep at times. I have discovered that mine usually sleep in 4 hr stretches, so at least I get that before one or both decide I should be up and about😬.

  6. Steph Gilliam
    Steph Gilliam says:

    The variant I had also presented much like a cold in the beginning, medium grade fever, and aches and pains. I found it lasted a shorter time than I expected and wasn't as severe as I expected (I assume because I was up to date on my vaccines). Hopefully yours is short and relatively mild, also, and you start feeling normal again soon. 💙

  7. catips
    catips says:

    Regarding storing all that soup you should just retain it in the pots they’re in which you should have enough space for in your fridge and freezer. I do this a lot when I prepare things I don’t have adequate storage containers for.
    *Regarding your age how I see things 😂 you’re REALLY young still.


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