Turkey Sausage and Veggie Stir Fry | One-Pot Meal | Tanny Cooks

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Sometimes you just need a #quickrecipe for an easy meal and this is it!! I fried up #Turkey # Kielbasa and Turkey …

4 replies
  1. M Flournoy
    M Flournoy says:

    Thanks for a great tutorial. I love the fact that you treat food like a science. I've acquired a lot of seasonings but I don't know what I'm doing and I've not found one resource that talks about how seasonings interact and how to actually achieve the taste we look for. For example, I've had really Italian-tasting spaghetti only one time in life and I'm kickin' in the door on senior citizen. LoL…Soooooo…..If explaining the nature (for lack of a better word) is part of your expertise, could you please, pretty please do a tutorial on seasoning? Great cook. Also, whilst I'm thinking about it, check out Aidells brand. Not sure if they carry 'turkey' but it was really tasty to me.


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