Turkey Broth – Instant Pot

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Come along while a process turkey. Roth in my instant Pot.

21 replies
  1. Deb
    Deb says:

    I just finished doing this with my carcass from Christmas! I did it in my water bath canner and got 7 litres and almost 3 500 ml jars. This was my first time doing this in 66 years! I have learned so much from you all on YouTube! Thanks for sharing! xo

  2. Molly Smith
    Molly Smith says:

    So, after watching this the first time I did this with the ham bone from our Christmas ham but in my stovetop pressure cooker and ended up with 15 half pints! Today I've cleared the decks and am doing my turkey carcass plus a few extra chicken bones from the freezer. Never again am I going to be at the mercy of whether or not a store has turkey broth in stock (they usually don't) AND then to be disgusted to find that it contains gluten. Can't wait to see if I can get as much broth as you did from your turkey. Thank you for the inspiration and instructions!

  3. Mary Reed
    Mary Reed says:

    That is going to be yummy! In our family growing up we called it the wish bone. My Mom would clean it and dry it out and my little brother and I would pull to see who got the longer end for luck! We still continue to do it to this day. Fun tradition! I want to wish you a Blessed and Happy New Year Michelle! 🤗🍾🥂🍻🍸

  4. L Miller
    L Miller says:

    Liquid gold! Looks delicious. So thankful I have lots of bone broth on hand. Three of the four of us are sick.😢 So we are using lots of this yumminess. Nice video!👍


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