Tuesday Talk | Meat Aversions when Sick! The Surprising Food That Helped!

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Tuesday Talk | Meat Aversions when Sick! The Surprising Food That Helped! Interview with Kerry over at @Homesteadhow …

36 replies
  1. GreenAcres TnT
    GreenAcres TnT says:

    Oh my goodness NO JUDGEMENT! I’m so glad I clicked on this video today! I had similar symptoms week after Memorial Day! Meat aversion even COFFEE aversion for about a week! A few ppl asked if it was Covid and I said “who knows?!!” No mandatory testing here anymore. Hubs and I have both been through two rounds of Covid already so I figured just a bad cold..but now seeing your video I am thinking maybe I did have Covid!! Glad you’re feeling better and even though recovering you are an inspiration! Showing us how to stay on the wagon even when we’re sick!! I didn’t cave entirely but I ended up sucking on a whole lot of regular throat lozenges. I didn’t have any SF ones on hand when I needed them. 🥲 love your videos! You’re so down to earth and kind!!

  2. Pam
    Pam says:

    Oh my you sound terrible. You should know by now that we will follow you anywhere so stay off the airwaves and get as much rest as possible, wish I could help! Can’t wait for you to get well…. Aloha , Pam

  3. Hazel Blackley
    Hazel Blackley says:

    hope your feeling better soon. when I got covid I lost taste and smell but it came back differently. its like I tasted chemicals. Good news my meat is tastier than everything else.

  4. Joanna Goldman
    Joanna Goldman says:

    bless you Anita for coming to the camera and having a chat. Take care of yourself. Thank God for sardines hey. I bought a whole lot of little fish in tins, and I’m having a great time with getting used to eating them. I actually really like oily fish, I just wasn’t in the habit. My brain is going a thousand miles an hour and I’m waking up so well rested and very early. It’s my new go to food. So easy too.

  5. Hilary Wallace
    Hilary Wallace says:

    That Covid sore throat was the worst sore throat I have ever had in my 66 years. I couldn’t eat and spent a week in bed. I lost my sense of taste and smell for about 6 weeks as well. This was last August. I reckon my sense of taste and smell comes and goes now and it’s nearly a year later. Hoping you get well quickly xx

  6. Sparky Spitz
    Sparky Spitz says:

    I wasn't well last week and now my appetite is way down and I'm having to really push myself to eat my usual lamb chops and steak which sucks because I'm not sure I'm eating enough

  7. Amberley
    Amberley says:

    Anita, we will be here when you return to better health. I've not had the Spicy Cough yet, but I understand the razer blade throat. Talking may irritate it more, so try and just rest up. Hope you are feeling better very soon! 💐❤️

  8. Cassie Oz
    Cassie Oz says:

    If you arent well enough to eat your favourites, dont push yourself to eat. Not eating can be helpful to your immune system. Carnivores seem to think meat aversion is some huge aberration but it's not particularly uncommon but usually transient and not the end of the world.

  9. Dena Freed
    Dena Freed says:

    SO sorry that you're feeling poorly! I'm in the exact same boat maybe a few days ahead of you. I'm doing the best I can with food. Lots of bone broth and eggs 🙂 Hoping that you give yourself plenty of grace while you heal!

  10. RV thereyet?(Dan & Sammy asking=)
    RV thereyet?(Dan & Sammy asking=) says:

    Oh dear~ sorry to this Annette! Best help I've had for a sore throat is good old warm salt water gargles…& lots of them. Will help keep any secondary bacterial infections away, being a natural disinfectant~ plus, salt pulls out mucous & reduces inflammation. Coconut oil might help coat & soothe as well.


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