Tuesday Talk | How Raw Emotion Will Help Your January Reset | Cronometer Questions

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Tuesday Talk | How Raw Emotion Will Help Your January Reset | Cronometer Questions How to Set a Free Cronometer Account: …

46 replies
  1. Donita Jackson
    Donita Jackson says:

    Sniffle, you're the best! ( choked up by your vulnerability) sniffle. I'm glad you can't see me over here crying. Thanks as always! Congratulations on the upcoming year 3. I know you'll kill it!👏

  2. Sheila B
    Sheila B says:

    💝💖 oh Anita I love u, u r so sweet. I felt your "why". I wasn't sure where u were going when u said u need to have feeling behind your reason, u need to have a connection to it. My reason is to lose weight and be healthier. And by being healthier it is mentally and physically in my old age. But we (my husband and I) don't have that alzheimer history in our background…we just know it's just the 2 of us going into old age without any kids or younger family to help care 4 us. So we need 2 be as healthy as possible.

  3. Pam Donzelli
    Pam Donzelli says:

    God Bless. My why? I don’t want to end up like like my mom or in-laws. Me and my spouse are keto to try to avoid dementia and ill health in our elder years! We want to enjoy good health and each other as long as possible. ❤❤❤

  4. Frolic Prilliams
    Frolic Prilliams says:

    You are so amazing and inspirational for me! Thank you so much for openly sharing your journey with us. You sharing your 'why' touched me strongly and really communicated how to set a meaningful goal that actually provides personal motivation. I love the Tuesday Talks and the recipes and everything on your channel. Thank you, again. 🙂

  5. Diane Jendrek
    Diane Jendrek says:

    I see what is happening health wise with members of my own family. It breaks my heart to see the results of a lifetime of bad advice, giving in to the brain's cravings for carbs, and lack of knowledge about a different way of eating. We are so blessed to live in this time.

  6. Julie F
    Julie F says:

    Thank you Anita for being vulnerable and sharing your why. I actually have the same why, watching and caring for my mother the last few years of her life, ending after being bed-bound for 9 months. These are powerful whys and motivating fears! I love seeing more and more of your personality shine through! Thank you so much for all of your helpful tips. Are you still fat fasting one day a week? ❤

  7. SuBi
    SuBi says:

    You are absolutely correct. I sometimes forget and get hung up on weight loss, but my true "why" is I don't want to get cancer again. I want to heal my body and live my life to the fullest.

  8. Linda Krone
    Linda Krone says:

    Thank you Anita. I wish I had known your mother. I say this because she must have been such a wise, moral, disciplined woman with such character. She raised you. And you, Anita are truly exceptional! Next time you chat with her above let her know how great a job she did raising you!!!

  9. Southern Ketovore
    Southern Ketovore says:

    Thank you for sharing all of this, Anita! I couldn't agree more with so many of these points.

    My "why" is yours. My mother is about 3 years into her dementia diagnosis, and it's so painful to watch her quality of life slip so rapidly. Thinking about her and my "why" brings the same emotions and I have to collect myself every time.

    Thank you for your honesty and acceptance of so many people and their journeys and struggles.

    Stay awesome. ❤️

  10. Lori
    Lori says:

    Anita are you wanting to lose more weight??? You look great!! I'm 56 and kinda afraid to lose more since all my skin is gonna hit the deck 😆

  11. Renee Kennedy
    Renee Kennedy says:

    So eloquently spoken. Thank you, Anita for being real and honest and vulnerable. You are a breath of fresh air. I have also found it is key to "dig down deep and find your big why" to pursue and maintain your goal. My heart went out to you with your story about first losing your Father and then caring for your Mother and the struggle with her dementia. I am a nurse – so know how difficult that must have been for you. I'm so sorry. That's a tough road to travel. Thank you also for being gentle on yourself and others – for letting people know clearly this is your journey and they have theirs and it's flux situation. I love your idea of buying an empty notebook from the dollar store and keeping track of what you're doing/journal/food/etc. – I have been doing this since mid Oct. and it helps a lot. I also give myself stars, happy faces, care bear hugs along the edges of the entries – just for fun! Love your knowledge and videos! Thank you again and pet for Teddy and I believe you have another puppy ? Pippy?

  12. Susan Vanduyn
    Susan Vanduyn says:

    Oh Anita……. Thank you for being real, practical and empathetic. My why crystallized in the last 2 months of 2022. The stress started with my 87 year old husband testing positive with Covid. (He is perfectly fine now. 🙏🏻 Limited symptoms but was also administered the monoclonal infusion.) I have not been that stressed in many years until simultaneously I was diagnosed with endometrial cancer. Needless to say I was stunned. After a total hysterectomy I’m fine, the cancer had not spread. So even tho my motivation for this weight loss journey has been health related this scare has refocused my goals to loose the remaining weight within the next 9 months. Coincidentally just listened to a Dr of internal medicine talking about the role of sugar in feeding cancer. I chose to believe that my 2+ yrs of being sugar free played a part in my cancer results. Hummm….. Anita you are better than a mental health therapist! ❤

  13. MelC - CenTex
    MelC - CenTex says:

    I thank God your channel found my feed! You are such a blessing and I pray that your journey continues as beautiful as you are, inside and out! Thank you for sharing, teaching, & inspiring me and others! ❤️

  14. Kandel Hess
    Kandel Hess says:

    Thank you for sharing this video! I especially can relate to the “why” part. I am currently the caregiver for my mom who has a myriad of health issues and my “why” is also so that I don’t go down that same path. I am fully convinced that everything she’s dealing with could have been prevented from just changing her diet.

  15. C Ashby
    C Ashby says:

    Anita I just send a virtual {{{hug}}} as I watch this video tonight and watch the emotion you feel about your mothers last years. I too have a fear of Alzheimer’s and dementia. My dad has it, his sister died of it, their mother and both of HER siblings all died of it. It is a hideous and brutal disease. I hope that by eating carnivore forevermore at my age (59) I can avoid it. Only the good Lord knows. My dad used to be sharp as a tack. Now he cannot complete a sentence. His wife cares for him but as he worsens and loses his ability to walk and get up from seated, etc she will not be able to do it to the end. Nursing care facilities are pitiful places where people are left to die, at best. I hope my dietary intervention will spare my loved ones and me from this terrible condition and the few and all bad options of institutional care once my husband or children cannot do it any longer. I applaud you and all of the things you are doing/learning to take care of yourself so your family can have many more years of loving you and spending time with you and hopefully not having the final memories of your quality of life that you have of your mothers final years.

  16. Nancy Brown
    Nancy Brown says:

    I think that your improved sleep with the added fat is a fantastic bonus! So many women (especially menopausal) seem to have the same problem of waking in the middle of the night and not being able to get back to sleep.I'm trying to increase my fat now as well.

  17. Stephanie Huie
    Stephanie Huie says:

    Best Tuesday talk ever. You’re so inspiring, and your honesty and acceptance of our differences make your channel such a pleasant place to visit in the carnivore community. Sending you much love and best wishes for you and yours in 2023. 🎉

  18. Yvette Robb
    Yvette Robb says:

    I know it hard to allow yourself to be vulnerable in your sharing but finding that "deep" something may really help me. I guess I've not really thought that hard and dug that deep for a why. I will really try to marinate on my why. Thank you for the great example you gave, that must have been hard to share.💞

  19. Nan Catlin
    Nan Catlin says:

    Question, on Cronometer when I touch the circle where macros are the carb one is so high.. I go back and figure myself and it not ever as high as what they say. Am I reading it wrong

  20. Bdogg
    Bdogg says:

    Thank you again Anita. I’m doing good since the first. I get nervous about buying meat that I don’t cook often. I’ll be watching again the beef cooking from the last few months. Loved today!!!

  21. Gaye Baxter
    Gaye Baxter says:

    Anita, Some people don’t loose weight due to Lipedemia. When I was told I had lipedemia I didn’t know what it was. Then at some pount I googled if fasting would help. It told me that No amount of calorie restriction or exercise would help. Lipedemia for some people cause weight loss resistance. I keep fighting but never win. I started keto in August of 2018. I moved to carnivore in Dec on 2019. After a year of Carnivore I went to Dr Cyves ( the carb addict Dr. ( He was nearby and was a surgeon who performed gastric bypass.). I had that in 2006 and still weigh over 200 lbs. He ordered over 1400. Dollars of lab work. When he saw my lab work he knew I was telling the truth. He then told me I had Lipedemia. I though he meant Lyphedemia. Just so you know , some fight a VERY DIFFERENT BATTLE. But I don’t have cancer so I fight to stay positive.

  22. Danielle M
    Danielle M says:

    Great video! Dr. Lisa (Carnivore Doctor) encourages people to "find your why that makes you cry". You sharing your why made me think of this. If we don't have a deep, strong why, it's harder to stick to it. You always have such good advice!! Appreciate your videos.

  23. Andreatf
    Andreatf says:

    Thank you again for the excellent information. I have used Cronometer for years but have learned so much from you. I had never synced my Apple watch before nor used the bar codes before. I am getting so much better use out of the program because of you. You are so right about not sweating the small stuff. A gram more or less is not going to change anything in the long run. Neither is putting some garlic powder on your steak. Loved your photo and input in the magazine. I told the cashier that I “knew” you.

  24. grandma sews brown
    grandma sews brown says:

    Great T TALK! I just want you to know what a great motivator you are – at least for those of us willing to hear you. I am very like you – age, weight & dieting all of my life and continuing to gain more weight each time I lost some. I am also a type 2 diabetic. I found Dr J Fung in 2017 and he gave me a goal! I wanted off my diabetic and other meds. And he said it could me done! My doctor told me my next step was insulin.
    I got serious about KETO and intermittent fasting and lost 60 lbs in about 4 months. I took myself off off all my diabetes meds and lipitor ( statins are the most evil meds) during that time. I lowered my A1C for 68- 7.1 down to 6/3 or below with no meds. Of course my weight loss slowed and I believe part of it was I wasn't fasting as well as I had. I had been following you for a while and tried some protein sparing fasting, BBBE and my weight and Blood sugar were both creeping up. I believe the amount of protein on BBBE was part of the issue with my blood sugar. Full carnivore had the same effect. When you began talking about high fat carnivore I knew I had to learn more about it so I looked into many videos you had suggested to educate myself a bit more. I was very sloppy before Christmas – not with carb heavy processed foods but with more veg and no tracking at all. LOL now I "cheat with broccoli where it used to be potato chips and chocolate! But no matter things were not better.
    I was going to wait until the new year but I had been stocking up to do 80/20. So on Dec 27th I started! I already feel better I am finding it very hard to meet my caloric goals ( do I really care?) My other issue is spreading out my protein – I was for the most part OMAD on days I didn't fast. My BS has average already dropped by about 20 points and I'm sure the weight will follow.
    So thank you so much for putting yourself out there and reinforcing the fact that no only does one plan not "fit all" but we need to listen to our bodies and make changes when things aren't working the way they were.
    Sorry about this long comment but I also have a question. I don't see many keto/carnivore people making/eating hollandaise. I use it like mayo. on my steak, mixed with my herring even just a spoonful from the fridge just for some fat. I have a great quick immersion blender one – 1 stick of hot melted butter drizzled over 3 large yolks with the blender running – I do add a teaspoon of mustard or lemon juice or vinegar – I though it was needed to emulsify it but I keep cutting it back and I'm ready to try it with none. Any reason that you know of that I shouldn't be eating this?


  25. Discover Sustainable
    Discover Sustainable says:

    Oh my Lord! The tears got me! I can relate with you so much! I just keep screwing up and having to start over every other day it seems. I'm not giving up tho. That sweet Teddy and me could be besties. I can be his "No, don't bother me in the morning" partner! Such a sweet fur baby!


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