Trying Mexican Champurrado

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34 replies
  1. KnottyDeer
    KnottyDeer says:

    As a Mexican, idk why anytime Mexican hot chocolate or something like champurrado is made ā€œAmericanā€ chiliā€™s randomly become a thing. Maybe itā€™s not normal where my family is from but Iā€™ve never heard of spicy hot chocolate šŸ˜­

  2. Mochi Moche
    Mochi Moche says:

    As other comments have said yeah that don't look right. It's supposed to be made with masa and hot chocolate tablets (i recommend Ibarra) and champurrado is only the chocolate version. The beverage itself is atole which can be vanilla, strawberry, pinole, etc. If we ask which is the og champurrado then technically that is the name the Spaniards gave to it! šŸ˜…

  3. Juan Perez
    Juan Perez says:

    After having alot of Filipino friends and really learning about the cultures there is alot of stuff we have in common witch makes Filipino culture feel more like home

  4. zaira sanchez navarro
    zaira sanchez navarro says:

    Champurrado is not supposed to be spicy. Itā€™s a typical hot winter drink that we usually accompany with tamales. Of course you can drink it at any point of the year but if you have a Mexican store/bakery nearby, you should check if they make it during winter. Again, itā€™s supposed to be thicker than hot chocolate, but never spicy.

  5. FabulousKilljoy917
    FabulousKilljoy917 says:

    Iā€™ve had it maybe once or twice at events with the in-laws, and every time I get confused like wait is this hot chocolate or like a horchata thingā€¦itā€™s basically both, and pretty good though Iā€™d love to learn to make it myself from scratch ā˜ŗļø but yeah Mexican=bevie, Philippino=rice pudding


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