Trying A Weighted Hula Hoop | Lock Down Vlog

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What I ate for weight loss, new exercise routine and Q & A My 100 lb Weight Loss Story: 5 Months of Eating A LOAD of …

16 replies
  1. SunVegan
    SunVegan says:

    I love it when you give food to the dogs. Their little noises are so cute. I had a cocker spaniel that had cherry eye. He had to have it surgically repaired. Poor little cute Ellie. What does the veterinarian say?

  2. small footprint
    small footprint says:

    I can eat a bowl of brown rice or potatoes, with some vegis included, and never get hungry. Not true with raw, for me. I lost 80 lbs on "raw" but, it was mostly smoothies and juices… I was using it as a weight loss diet. It took a lot of work, but I was hungry. I limited fruit. I too, included a lot of greens. My mother died from colon cancer, and I became really scared of the family symptoms. After the big loss, I started gaining again, I think because it's just not natural to live on raw food, smoothies, and juices… for me. The best thing I've found is the McDougall Plan/Starch Solution. It just makes so much sense, and follows the law of calorie density. It's been a rocky road, making the decisions, within the plan, to I'm back to losing weight, while I eat more. I'm never hungry, and eat when I feel hungry. Dr. McDougall says to pick a starch, and add vegis. Fruit occasionally. I can follow that, and have adopted it as my lifestyle way of eating. Thank you Jeanine for all you do, and share with us. I really need to hear how you make it all work. Thanks for sharing.

  3. Saved By Grace
    Saved By Grace says:

    Raw vegetables get me full faster and satiated longer. That being said, I don't get the satisfaction without eating beans and rice. So for me, they make an excellent snack to curb binging.

  4. Sarah Woodward
    Sarah Woodward says:

    That was some magic witchcraft with the tea in beginning. Everyone is using those air fryers and I’m getting super jealous. I’m so proud of you eating more veggies. I use to eat 10 banana in smoothies. Took about and hour or two to finish. Same with dates I made a 1000 calorie dateriade which has tons of water. Eating all raw HCLF is all about crushing the calories and that requires a lot of bulk. I’ve done all raw HFLC as well not as much bulk but still have to eat a lot…Jeannine you’re looking super lean these days 🙌🏼


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