Try my pickled carrots and daikon recipe!

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PICKLED CARROTS & DAIKON⤵️ TO DRAW OUR MOISTURE 2 tsp sugar 1 tsp salt MIXTURE 1 lb carrots, julienne 1 lb radish …

34 replies
  1. Jennie Dutton
    Jennie Dutton says:

    Adam is taking mental notes, for sure. By the time he can walk he's gonna be in the kitchen, whipping up kimchi and every pork recipe imaginable. And his first word will probably be "YUUUUUMMMMMMYYYYYY😈!!"
    Sooooo adorable!!💜💜💜💜💜💜💜

  2. ningning
    ningning says:

    I feel like I've been on babysit duty so much because I watched that baby in the back like a hawk and panicked when he disappeared for a few seconds 😂. Anyways im not a fan of anything pickled but majority of my relatives love it we even have a pickled bitterfruit 🥲 . This could be a good addition to our pickles 😂


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