Troubling Stereotypes and False Narratives: The History of Hemp | Prism of the Past

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31 replies
  1. Nicholas Hugh
    Nicholas Hugh says:

    Nearly dying of alcohol poisoning: it’s ok son just don’t drink too much

    Buying a cart of weed to enjoy once every few months: drug addict you’re grounded

    That’s how my parents think, one substance nearly killed me and left a permanent gap in my memory that I will never be able to remember and the other makes me raid the pantry once and a while. It’s crazy shit.

  2. Steel
    Steel says:

    I had no idea Marijuana was ever used as a derogatory term, I thought it was just a plant name. As far as the "gateway drug" my guess is that it got demonized right along side heroine and cocaine but was the most available. So rebellious teens tried weed, found out it wasn't anything special, then went on to try the rightfully banned stuff out of curiosity.

  3. Gemini Devil420
    Gemini Devil420 says:

    Marijuana is really kinda racist tbh also if u did more research actually hemp yes is low thc but in medical marijuana is tend not actually used as the name cannabis is the overall name for planet and also it’s not satvio it’s sativa hun and also marijuana tends to use it as the demonize name of it tbh

  4. Amanda Dixson
    Amanda Dixson says:

    Hemp is the male plant. Marijuana is the female plant. It's one of few species of plants that have two separate sexes to fertilize plants.
    Typically people consume the female flower; as where people will use the fibers from the male plant for paper and such.
    Marijuana was a racist term to make fun of the Mexicans. Mojta is the Mexican name for Cannabis, and this is where the reference for the pronunciation of Marijuana came from.

    Translated Marijuana literally means MaryJane.

    You're welcome.

  5. Angel Bob
    Angel Bob says:

    Playing into the racism of the past is just as disgusting as playing into the division of today. You don't necessarily have to play a large role to make things disproportionately worse for everyone than if you had acted with principle and empathy. Thank you, Hearst, for caring so little about your species that literally everyone is worse off because your childish use of your time and resources. Maybe it would've been banned without him, but he 100% tipped the scales towards prohibition.

  6. MightyMemeKing1337
    MightyMemeKing1337 says:

    I took a class on hemp in college. I hate that paper moguls created all this stigma around hemp so that they wouldn’t lose money to a burgeoning hemp industry that makes better paper than tree paper

  7. Mephisto96
    Mephisto96 says:

    I never smoked the stuff personally, I probably should because I have all sorts of anxiety and mental health issues, but I don't want to because it's still illegal in my state and I don't want to go to jail for how ever many years just cause I wanted to smoke weed for instance. Plus, there are already thousands of people already in jail for drug offenses anyway.

  8. Kkcliffy
    Kkcliffy says:

    My parents have started growing hemp on their farm. Since it's taller and woodier, it's harder to process than flax (linen), but it's a great fiber and we can use the same tools for both crops. It's more eco-friendly than cotton and is super versatile.

  9. Katie Taylor
    Katie Taylor says:

    regarding hemp ethinol possibly having become just as bad as what we do have: there is no ethical consumption under capitalism….but it would be nice to have some alternatives so we could at least spread things around to try and minimize the damage

  10. jake wilcox
    jake wilcox says:

    I lived in Arizona for my whole life until this last year we moved to Tennessee and to see that people legit still talk and think like the dumbasses back in the early 1900s is actually sickening to me

  11. A Mazing
    A Mazing says:

    Just for future reference from someone working in the cannabis industry, cannabis sativa is the scientific name for hemp, cannabis indica is the scientific name for the weed used for smoking or any other form of consumption of THC. Cannabis indica is then further broken down into sativa strains and indica strains, but both are still forms of cannabis indica. Just so you have something better to use than an antiquated and racist term.

  12. Joyce Geertsma
    Joyce Geertsma says:

    So.. hemp is a multi purpose product. Trees don't have to die to produce paper. Win win. And to think that had those ill informed racists back in the day smoked a joint every once in a while they might have turned into more mellow people, not the scumbags they were.

  13. Peaches
    Peaches says:

    Triangle mom, ily, but I think a second part to this is necessary. The way you ended this makes it seem like racism is the heart of the issue when its more complicated than that. Ultimately, greed led a collective of powerful men to wield weaponized racism to further their goals. These people weren't stupid, they were intentionally fanning the flames of social tension with bogus claims.
    There's undoubtedly a million books you have on your list right now, but you should add "A People's History of the United States" by Howard Zinn. It sounds dry, but I assure you, your jaw will be on the floor for most of the book. Most importantly though, it explains how the war on drugs became what it is today.
    It's on audible and I'd be more than happy to gift a copy to you – let me know.

  14. Kamila
    Kamila says:

    I just think about all the taxes the government is losing by not making it legal tbh. Spending 100 dollars/month on good weed and having part of that money being reverted back to society just sounds like a win-win. I'm not a smoker myself and I've never tried it, but I'm 100% pro-legalisation

  15. judyplaysandmusic
    judyplaysandmusic says:

    The misinfo is more recent than you’d expect. i was born in 1998, grew up in the 2000s and yet when I was in health class in elementary school, they would give us these Body Shop Kids papers and I remember one of them listed marijuana as a hallocinogen and we were fed recycled specials from the 80s/90s .


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