Treatment of Hypertensive Vascular Disease with the Rice Diet with Dr. John McDougall (NEW LECTURE)

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12 replies
  1. Indira Jayaraman
    Indira Jayaraman says:

    Thank you for all your lectures. You made me turn vegan from vegetarian last year. What a healthy diet it is!
    I coined a phrase sometime back:
    There is a big difference between icecream and rice steamed
    Rice has been my staple diet all through since I am from South India.

  2. Ann
    Ann says:

    Thank you Dr. McDougal for continuing to speak up and making your presentations for us lay sick people to understand and Chef AJ for that switch mistake which has made such valuable information globally available.

  3. Ms.Irises
    Ms.Irises says:

    So basically we should take all the foods out that cause disease and put in foods that won’t hurt us. I like how these doctors think. It seems so simple that it is amazing this theory is not taught in medical school. It must be so frustrating for the doctors that get it


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