Treat-More Bars, Raw Vegan Recipe!

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When I was little I used to love “Eat-More” bars I hope you enjoy this simple raw vegan version I created, its really similar, healthy …

10 replies
  1. Mónica Schütt
    Mónica Schütt says:

    Chris, my husband just watched a fascinating video of you where you talk about your 7 year study of yourself, monitoring your blood values… AWESOME!! Huge congrats on that!! You are truly amazing!! We love you very much and we think you should really try the URINE THERAPY and discover much more about your true human/divine potential, which is really infinite… absolutely mind blowing!!! We are discovering TOTAL SELF SUFFICIENCY thanks to our long term urine fasts and stepping into real MASTERY OF LIFE… through mastering ONESELF. We'll also make a video report on all our findings, through long term personal experience… so awesome to be your own scientist and realise that the true science is in oneself, one's own body & soul! :)))


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