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Join me for Large Family Shopping at the Thrift Stores, plus my Kidney Update! Thank you to HelloFresh for sponsoring today’s video! Use code LFTABLE14 for …

39 replies
  1. tiff2106
    tiff2106 says:

    Good luck with your kidney stone journey. Just had my second one and one thing that’s valid for all kinds of stones: drink! And if you think you drank enough, drink more! Been there, done that.

  2. The Krafty Korner
    The Krafty Korner says:

    I don’t think goodwill will lower their prices ever, I could be wrong but ever since ours moved just down the rd to a different building their prices sky rocketed and you might as well buy it brand new for same price or cheaper! I don’t go to goodwill anymore

  3. Debs Adam's in UK
    Debs Adam's in UK says:

    We have charity shops where the money they make goes to charity's people that work there are volunteering but some of them can be bit pricey Awe bless you I had a kidney stone but it was small and I peed it out but it caused me to bleed I had a scan to check it wasn't something else I find your talks are all informative

  4. Bonnie Ford
    Bonnie Ford says:

    I am having the same problem. Been dealing with blood in urine randomly since March 5th. Been to urologist who did xrays, ultrasound and cystiscope. He didn't find anything. So he released me until next year. No answer yet! Had CT scan and there were no stones. I pushed to see a nephrologist and they made an appointment for AUGUST!! Seems no one is taking this seriously except me, I wish you well and hope everything turns out just great for you.

  5. Eryn Morris
    Eryn Morris says:

    That Wildlife Fact File cost someone a pretty penny back in the day. I had it in the very early 90’s. You’d order the notebook and it came with a few of the pages, but the rest were bought as an ongoing subscription type service. Definitely cost more than $4.

  6. Jessica EmGhee
    Jessica EmGhee says:

    I did not offer any kidney stone advice even though I get them because it depends on the kind and as long as it’s inside, they don’t know what kind.
    It’s mind blowing that they would let this infection keep coming and going.
    Next time you’re asked if you are in pain tell them that you have pain with the infection and you need that under control or at least back in your control.
    I hope you get help sooner rather than later because that icky pearl needs OUT!

  7. Lana Dixon
    Lana Dixon says:

    These problems with doc offices seems to be all over. 82 year old Mom needing heart surgery and we can get no answers. Just the run around. Then the hospital computer systems hacked so no one can get to her records. UGH. A friend with a broken knee cap and severed ligament as a result told they would schedule surgery and call her the next day. Ten days later they finally call and she has to wait five weeks! Hospitals seem to be operating much like McDonald's!

  8. kristen Dano
    kristen Dano says:

    I never knew I had a kidney stone until it was close to passing it. I never had pain until then. Fortunately mine was a calcium stone and much smaller than yours. Always advocate for yourself

  9. Ms. T
    Ms. T says:

    J, your first thrift store has fabulous prices. Our Goodwill store here is so expensive, I quit shopping there. Not sure who they are supposed to be helping now. Can find new items on clearance at Big Lots, etc. cheaper than there.

  10. Sarah Sands
    Sarah Sands says:

    I think you’re on the right track possibly seeking a 2nd opinion….it seems like this “urologist “ isn’t capable or willing to get this done and over with. I can’t imagine why, but oh well. As long as you’re getting taken care of, because if you’re down, no mama for the kiddos and that’s no bueno. I mean, I know Travis is excellent, but we all know mamas are the glue lol. I pray this all gets done because I’m sure you don’t feel well. Bless your heart! I’ll be praying!

  11. Not Specified
    Not Specified says:

    The type of ecol I you are experiencing is absolutely nothing to do with food drink or cleanliness of any type. Really praying that suckered gets sorted asap. My hubby had a stone in a pocket too it was a real nuisance because they couldn't see it. But they got it out and we waved see ya later to it and he's been great ever since.

  12. Angel Overturff
    Angel Overturff says:

    I had a kidney stone in my 20's and it was so painful felt like I was giving birth but once I passed it I was all normal again. Was told that too much calcium can cause stones. Thanks for the update!

  13. Janet Needham
    Janet Needham says:

    Please if the radiographer is licensed they are not a technician but a technologist. I am retired from the profession and have many hours of education . I'm not being mean just trying to educate. I love watching your videos.

  14. Wendy johnson
    Wendy johnson says:

    Prayers you get your stone removed swiftly 🥰without STENT!! Oh my that had to be to worse feeling I had with it all!! Of course I did get use to the feeling but was definitely happy to get it removed! Felt the size of garden hose!! It was a tiny looking wire😂😂😂😂but oh boy! Love your patch purse and your Afghan!!! Great deal on that ship as well altogether love resale and garage/yard sales

  15. Judy ONeal
    Judy ONeal says:

    Gosh I’m frustrated for you, girlfriend & you’re the one dealing with it. I had a recurrent UTI over the course of a year. I took antibiotics but it kept recurring. I’d ignore, then try to cure with cranberry, tons of water, etc. Broke down & saw a new PCP who cultured it finally. I then learned I had Klebsiella, which they say is a nasty bacteria. I’d never heard of till then. No kidney stone, I just needed the right antibiotic to kick the Klebsiella, which is resistant to some antibiotics. I was frustrated cuz had the 1st PCP cultured it one of the first 3 times he treated me, I could have avoided multiple rounds of strong antibiotics that didn’t work.

    Listen, be well, friend! I’ll be praying things for you go smoothly, quickly, & without complication from this point forward. You def need to get all this hooey behind you.

  16. Bethany
    Bethany says:

    I've noticed the prices at our Goodwill have gotten wild! I found a nice wok pan (not electric), but it was $13 and I could not justify buying something used when I could get new for just a bit more. Also, we have that Animal Fact File binder book. Have had for YEARS! The kids have still not gotten sick of it. It's fantastic.


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