Transforming Our Cities Through Urban Farming | Orlane Panet

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In this episode, we speak with Orlane Panet, co-founder of Microhabitat, an urban farming company creating rooftop gardens in …

5 replies
  1. @jameshutchinson1883
    @jameshutchinson1883 says:

    Every urban dweller that is exposed to your soil first urban farm modules/systems will be influenced by its ecological nature (as it does). That can only trickle down to increasing awareness of the benefits of ‘fresh, nutrient dense’, farmers markets, famgates and CSA. I strongly believe the more the merrier in our small organic production for profit and I watch this develop in real time in my own states communities. Thanks for your complimentary vision and story Orlane

  2. @josephgiangrande9892
    @josephgiangrande9892 says:

    Our kind are not allowed here in Dutchess County NY. My Veteran partner and I were thrown off of our Farmland and all others are allowed to farm and sell off of it. I hate my race and wish I was never born my color. Joe The Grower

  3. @cepamoa1749
    @cepamoa1749 says:

    we have several project like this in europe: create greenhouse on roof. All the ones we checked are money grab plot by people stealing public money for their private interest. So i am very very very cautious near those "green" project. A the end they do 5% of their income in agriculture and the rest is seminar, green visits of the museum farm for the city dwellers etc… all created by public money and all is owned by private being now, profit are private, cost is public.


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