Traditional White Sugar Rice Cake (白糖糕 bai tang gao) with Just Rice + Sugar + Water and Yeast

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White sugar rice cake (白糖糕bai tang gao) is a traditional Chinese pastry made from white rice, sugar, water and yeast. The cake is normally snow white in color …

33 replies
  1. norgcal64
    norgcal64 says:

    Hello! Thanks for sharing. My second attempt was much more successful with the right rice. However, it was slightly dry, do you know what I did wrong?

  2. Thompson M
    Thompson M says:

    Thank you for sharing your recipe. Steaming this cake seems so deceptively simple yet it provides rabbit holes for the uninitiated-you are almost guaranteed to fall in. And I've fallen. After multiple iterations, I have overcooked rice cake, undercooked rice cake and made rice cake without the much desired honeycomb. I think the key is to steam the cake as you do – partly with heat on; then turn the heat off. I will try your method and report back. By the way, I love the piano music in the background. Can you tell me the artist's name?

  3. Eity's cooking world [ Bangla]
    Eity's cooking world [ Bangla] says:

    খুব ভালো লাগলো আপনার এই রেসিপি টি আপু। সাথেই আছি সব সময়। আমার বাসায় দাওয়াত রইল ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️🍀

  4. Lily Leung
    Lily Leung says:

    If I want to make the yellow one should I use Rock sugar, light brown sugar or dark brown sugar and how much sugar should I use if I want the yellow type?

  5. Peter Ng
    Peter Ng says:

    I tried making 2 times. The inside does not look like your white sugar cake. What did I do wrong? Did I steam it wrong? It look like your put chai koh.

  6. Headless Chicken
    Headless Chicken says:

    I have to try this. My mother in law does this with a yeast sour that she shares with friends, but I wouldn't make this enough to justify using a sour. But this should work nicely. I think my grandma did it this way, I recall her grinding rice with water for this and other things.

  7. Cindy Choy
    Cindy Choy says:

    I just tried this recipe and it's yummy! however, my "bak tong goa" did not rise, nor did it have the nice honeycomb look like in your photos. Any idea where I may have made a mistake?


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