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Tour my new kitchen updates now that the garage is bare – hear LOTS of big changes! Just a few days left to JOIN ME NOW for 57% OFF …

31 replies
  1. Julie Magrew
    Julie Magrew says:

    I love it ..only thing i would consider is maybe the mircowave would be more functioning closer to fridge and stove keeping food heating cooking confined to one area, We just did a kitchen reno in our home 2 years ago…and I was always trying to place things where it would seem to function with a nice flow to designated areas

  2. Patty M
    Patty M says:

    As far as the stove goes, check the inside measurement so your biggest baking sheets and pans can fit. Love your design, can't wait to watch it take shape. Thanks.

  3. Stephanie Thomasson
    Stephanie Thomasson says:

    Tip: always go stainless with kitchen sinks where you can. The white sinks are pretty for a while, but- metal pots and pans scratch the veneer, you have to comet/bleach them aaaaalllll the time, and they honestly never stay white! Stainless for
    The win, in my opinion 😊

  4. LaVonne P.
    LaVonne P. says:

    Hi hon.. wow all the stuff out of the garage.. yay it's actually starting ☺ hillbilly mama! 🤣🤣 luv it.. glad to hear ur dedicating it all to the kitchen and having ur laundry room and hall sep.. good for you.😍 so exciting..I liked the wood with suddle backslash ir serenity was pretty was it called or gray or that blue color not that real dk one.. I prob would have a time choosing.. ahhhh what that would b like..😄 prob wouldnt get white, lots of dirt showing up.. I like wood like rustic cabin type things .. lots of storage ideas and organizing that will b such a dream for u.. glad to hear you have pantry in the basement I know I had mentioned that.. and as long as u have that and like u said all the boys and Travis put in all that wk.. and u will have cupboards and such.. gonna b so fun seeing it all come together for u..🥰 hope ur Thanksgiving was blessed.. keepin u in prayer for it all to come together.. and not too much red tape.. if I could ask for prayer for me and family I would appreciate it.. thx so much.. sending hugs!🥰

  5. Melissa Miller
    Melissa Miller says:

    Hi Jamerrill!! When you mentioned you needed your white board out there it made me think that you should make a huge wall area a white board so you can write all your projects and to do lists on it

  6. Katie K
    Katie K says:

    I used to have a pet sitting business for 20 years and quite a few of my clients lived in large brand new homes with only 2 or 3 people living there and had two kitchen sinks, two dishwashers, two side by side subzero refrigerators in the kitchen area along with one or two subzero freezers. Not to mention two microwaves and a large fruit:veg crisper drawers next to one of the sinks for food prep. For 2 or 3 people. And your county is confused why a family of your size needs two ovens and two dishwashers? 🤭

  7. TheOrdinarygirl05
    TheOrdinarygirl05 says:

    If there is ONE thing I can recommend to anyone doing a kitchen…JUST ONE THING!! Do as many drawers as you can! Seriously fill the entire lower area with drawers. It makes life in a kitchen soooooooo much more functional.
    Second thing for lower corner cabinets. Have one with an actual sturdy shelf then add a large lazy Susan on each shelf. GAME CHANGER!! The cheep plastic or metal ones you get are total junk and kids will break them in no time.

  8. Ashley Todd
    Ashley Todd says:

    Holy cow your dream kitchen sounds glorious! Ive tried 3x to watch this video and now is my time if I have a say so 😆. Great big plans coming and I am excited to hear and see it all. Cant do the LFTcommunity but ai am a faithful viewer last few years. I have enjoyed watching your home grow.
    Much love

  9. Breanna Horton
    Breanna Horton says:

    On the extra half bath- if you know in the future you want to add that other bathroom downstairs, go ahead and check now to see if that's allowed on your current septic or if you'd have to upgrade it. If you can fit one more without upgrading, just save it for the toilet you really want, but if you'd have to upgrade anyway you could check into getting approval for two. Long term would likely be the same price, you could either do the upgrade to the septic now for a half bath knowing you can do the 2nd one later, or reserve space in the laundry room for a future half bath and do both bathrooms and the upgrade later

  10. Traci Perdue
    Traci Perdue says:

    So happy for you and your new kitchen. The best thing in my kitchen and seriously say this is if I ever leave this house is my kitchen counter top is going with me. It’s all stainless steel. Would absolutely never have a another countertop. So easy to clean, can take anything out of the oven and sit on it and not have to worry about hurting it. Just so GREAT. Thanks for sharing! Have a great day!!!

  11. wait what
    wait what says:

    Look into used industrial appliances, business have closed and they may be cheaper than standard household units which would need to be multiples. Also, they will take the constant use with ease, allow your family sized cookie sheets, baking pans and mega muffins to cook several trays at once…will save you time cooking, clean up will be a breeze and it is a timeless look, just add some stainless steel countertop sections to achieve the industrial/ scandi look. Those sliding glass doors on the industrial fridges save floor space and are quickly cleaned with glass spray….oh and a hanging mirror and one or two TV monitors for filming….think business write off 😘

  12. Brooke Baker
    Brooke Baker says:

    Add a pot filler above one of those ranges. Also consider ceiling height cabinets. I despise the wasted space in my kitchen where the cabinets could go to the ceiling. Yes, it'll require a step stool for us vertically challenged folks, but I need one to get to the top shelf, anyway! Lol. Thank goodness for tall children. 😁

  13. Jenn Tester
    Jenn Tester says:

    I currently have the double oven unit. I thought I would absolutely love it. If I can do like you in my future life, I would have one and one regular. Why? Because I also feed a lot of people. Anything large (any typically heavy) must go into the very lower oven. The door opens to inches above the floor and it is super hard to lift heavy pans from so low. Maybe go into Lowe’s. Grab a large item that could resemble a large heavy pan of food and give it a try before deciding. I love your plans and it’s inspiring me for someday.

  14. Party NXS
    Party NXS says:

    I watched Paula Deen's new house renovation and she did something EVERY NEW KITCHEN NEEDS! It was called an "appliance pantry" It was a long countertop with lots of electric plugs, that had her mixer, instapots, blender, waffle maker, toaster… all the things that people hide. All laid out on a big old countertop with the plugs AND THEN SHE HAD BI FOLDING CABINET DOORS TO HIDE THEM 😍 She also had shelving above the countertop that she held all her baking goods. It looked like a big cabinet pantry but from the outside but those doors folded back instead of opening up and it was the most glorious kitchen design idea I have ever seen. Be sure to check it out.


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