Top 30 Junk Food and Drink FAILS

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These fails made people physically and financially sick. Welcome to WatchMojo, and today we’re counting down our picks for junk …

35 replies
  1. @meadowthayer6576
    @meadowthayer6576 says:

    Coca-Cola may have stopped putting cocaine in their soda back in the 1920's, but they still use coca leaves for the flavoring. New Coke was a new recipe that didn't rely on coca leaves and not a marketing campaign to compete with Pepsi. Obviously it didn't succeed they were forced to go back to the original recipe.

  2. @irishdisaster1988
    @irishdisaster1988 says:

    3d doritos had a vastly different flavor. If I remember correctly, the flavor was more subtle and pleasant. Don't get me wrong,I love original doritos but the 3ds were better. The rerelease was insulting.
    Surge was actually way better than MD. I like MD and drink one once in a while,but I lost my mind with surge!!!! Loved it and was ecstatic when they re-released it in 2015.

  3. @Charlesb88
    @Charlesb88 says:

    You forgot to mention Orbitz soda, a weird shirt lived beverage from the 90’s featuring floating colored edible balls inside. It was sort of like Boba Tea in but not as good. it was made by the then popular Clearly Canadian company. The success of Boba tea when it came to America shows the concept is a bad one, just that Clearly Canadian did not the recipe right with version of a floating ball drink.

  4. @kohtan13kumi
    @kohtan13kumi says:

    Lol, I'm definitely the target audience for a soda with extra caffeine. I don't like the taste of coffee and I would love an option other than pills. Also, I loved powdered bubble gum jugs…

  5. @DeannaBrownlee
    @DeannaBrownlee says:

    When my niece was maybe 4 or 5, she went through a phase where she wouldn't eat her food unless it had that purple ketchup on it. One day my mom was babysitting and she made pancakes for breakfast. Sure enough, my niece refused to eat her pancakes until my mom put purple ketchup on them. My niece has since graduated from college. 🥲👩‍🎓


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