Top 3 Ways to Use Leftover Meat on Carnivore| Fast Easy and Cheap Carnivore Meals

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Top 3 Ways to Use Leftover Meat on Carnivore| Fast Easy and Cheap Carnivore Meals To get your free LMNT sample pack with …

27 replies
  1. librarianlovesrick
    librarianlovesrick says:

    I met Mikhaila Peterson a few years ago at PaleoFX. The same building where I met you at KetoCon in April! (My sister met her Dad Jordan at her friend's french restaurant in Dallas. She hero worships him (me too), and was absolutely speechless – could not say one word. Anita, how are the pooches liking their new digs? The crispy meat looks delicious!

  2. Becky Nelson
    Becky Nelson says:

    SO great to see You, apron on, mostly settled in Your new forever home ☺️

    Wonderful, deee-licious ideas! As per usual from such a kitchen master as You dear Lady!!

    Thank You bunches for all You do for us!!

  3. Linda George
    Linda George says:

    love this! just this evening i cut up my leftover meatloaf and crisped it up in my brand new baby air fryer from Aldi. My husband who is not carnivore had his meat pieces in a taco setting. i had meat “cereal” with sour cream on top. So proud of myself for reinventing the meatloaf. So great to see your reinventions also. I’m making a particular point to honor the life given for me to have food and to not waste any of it. Thank you for your videos and your inspiration. I’m three months low carb and two months carnivore. all my health issues are fixed and i’m at my first goal weigh. i honestly can’t believe this. i’m almost 65!

  4. Zenobia Decrespin
    Zenobia Decrespin says:

    I learned from "loving it on keto"to put ground beef on the bottom add eggs and hot bone broth and heat up. Easy and delicious. I've used ground chicken eggs and chicken bone broth it's great as well. I prep meat once a week and use it for this. These all look amazing

  5. LL Neumaster
    LL Neumaster says:

    Is that a butcher block counter top? It looks so nice! Oh, we call that a “meat masher”. I’ve never actually seen a title for it. I got mine at Dollar Tree. Yummy, that beef soup looks good! I’m semi new to your channel. Have you done priming? I need to do something. I’ve gained and can’t afford to. You know what I mean? I am 52, menopausal and just eat Ketovore when I’m hungry. Any suggestions? Just wondering if priming might help.

  6. Sandra McDonnell
    Sandra McDonnell says:

    What a coincidence, yesterday I had left over Beef Blade roast my friend cooked and brought over. I sliced it and set on tray in oven on low heat ( admittedly, thinking I was going to make Carnivore flour…..what a ditz, was far too fatty lol) but after it cooked for a few hours, it smelled and looked so delicious, I put it in a bowl and ate it with fingers……..nom nom nom. And filled me up so much I didn’t need my defrosted mini roast I had thawed. I must be channeling Anita, wouldn’t that be a blast ❤


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