TommyKay Reacts to UK | Geography Now

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25 replies
  1. Keighlan Coe
    Keighlan Coe says:

    There's a cool story about the English and Welsh flags. At least, England's original flag. England used to have a white dragon on a crimson background as its flag, until the Norman conquest. Very similar to the Welsh flag, except the English dragon faces the opposite way (so that if you put the Anglo-Saxon flag and Welsh flag together, they are looking at each other head on.)

    The legend goes that there were two dragons locked in eternal battle with each other, a red Celtic dragon and a white English dragon; they fought for control of Britain. Interestingly, this tale existed in both Anglo-Saxon and Welsh cultures.
    Sadly, we lost our original flag and got the St. George's Cross. I'm still fond of the current English flag, but I'd prefer to have our dragon back.

  2. Andrew Wigham
    Andrew Wigham says:

    Always makes me laugh how people spam Kapp or get offended when anything positive is mentioned about the UK and how they basically began the modern world through the Industrial Revolution, people really seem to struggle to swallow that pill as if they grew up all of their lives believing it was their own countries.

  3. Zac
    Zac says:

    so many people in chat are malding just from seeing the UK lmao it’s just become cool nowadays to say you hate our country and if you asked most people why they wouldn’t even be able to give you a reason.

    same with the food – i guarantee you that 99% of people who say british food is terrible have never even tried it.

  4. A.K.M.
    A.K.M. says:

    “Capitalism will end one day”….

    When that happens so does your capital, and you will be made to labour for a “digital currency”….

    So in the end you are still a slave, a peasant, a serf and ultimately chattel, to those who want you to eat ze bugs.

    It’s funny listening to champagne socialists talk about socialism, it’s all so tiresome.

  5. Alex Sampsonite
    Alex Sampsonite says:

    I've definitely felt kind of sensitive about my country, the UK, recently so it's really nice to hear TommyKay talk so kindly of it even though I could probably criticise it non-stop for days

  6. AlexTheUmbreon5
    AlexTheUmbreon5 says:

    Oh and what wasn't mentioned that should have been is that Portugul is potentialy the closest allie as we have the oldest relationship with them. We also saved the dutch from Nazi Germany so they also deserved a mention as well.

  7. AlexTheUmbreon5
    AlexTheUmbreon5 says:

    1 in every 4 Aussies are British as many had mass imagrated to Austria in the very early days of the 1918's. It is becoming increasingly diverse though so that portion will be continuing to shrink.

  8. AlexTheUmbreon5
    AlexTheUmbreon5 says:

    As a British person I do recommend trying the traditional food as it is no where near as bad as the judge mental ones like to make it out to be. Uk food is a lot more popular further afield than in much of Europe and in the capitals of Ireland, Sweden and Malaysia there is 1 British food outlet for every 20 Irish, Swedish and Malaysian food outlets and there are other countries such as Greece, Belgium and Australia where the ratio is 1 to every 100 of the native food outlets (as listed in Trip advisor).

    For food I recommend everyone to try the English roast especially Yorkshire pudding's and well as fish and chips, steak and kidney pie and sheppards pie as the pies are very hearty and filling. For deserts I recommend trying a Cadbury's chocolate cake, Victoria spongue cake with it's heavenly strawberry centre and soft spongue outer layer and Cheese cake as we especially love our cheese cake about any our desert.

    Generally speaking the real bad cuisines are in the coldest countries such as Iceland, Canada and Finland. Hope you've found this comment helpful enough!

  9. AlexTheUmbreon5
    AlexTheUmbreon5 says:

    You really need to widen your knoledge of our accent as only people in London speak it and we are probably only talking at least half of London's population which is only around 6.5% of the whole Uk population with 13% only making up London. You should watch the vid 20 British accents in one video. You will find it very useful.

    For instance you have the Yorkshire accent which is basically the same accent that the actor of Nevil Longbottom from Harry Potter speaks in. Or you can listen to the Artic Monkey's who even sing in a Yorkshire accent as well as talk in it.

  10. Mattias Nilsson
    Mattias Nilsson says:

    For German music, Im British but I lived in germany 2010-2013 and i somehow had a Die Atzen cd and i used to listen to it all the time. Whenever i think of music from Germany now its always Rammstein and Die Atzen hahaha

  11. Patrick Witek
    Patrick Witek says:

    I remember when I applied for uni and they sent me my acceptance letters in Welsh instead of English for whatever reason so I had to google translate the document to know if I got in or not lol


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