Tomato Jam || So Much Better than Ketchup || Small Batch Tomato Canning

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I’m not a ketchup eater. Just not a fan. Never have been. This is what I’ve been waiting for all these years. This is what I’ll be using …

21 replies
  1. Steve Gordon
    Steve Gordon says:

    The jam looks delicious! I'll have to try this once my tomatoes ripen. You're not the last to get a steam canner. I don't have one either but may have to look into it 🙂

  2. Karen Page
    Karen Page says:

    I still haven't gotten either a steam canner or an electric… only because of the storage space needed for them, not because I don't want them. There are lots of times I end up doing a small batch, so those would be better options. But the times I can in larger quantities (tomato products, chicken, broth) wou

  3. Badger
    Badger says:

    I am happy to report that the tomato jam is a BIG hit and it’s fantastic on meatloaf…there’s none left over for meatloaf sandwich tomorrow

    Thanks again

  4. Diane B
    Diane B says:

    This looks good! I really want to do this one. I always felt like ketchup is just ok, nothing special. This may be just what I need to replace ketchup.

  5. Erika Louwrens
    Erika Louwrens says:

    Hi Carter, I always mess up when halving (or doubling) a recipe so I need to do all the calculations and write them down before tackling the recipe. Your tomato jam looks incredible and I'm sure it tastes wonderful!

  6. Kari Kelly
    Kari Kelly says:

    I dried my small batch of tomatoes but my next batch will be this jam! I am interested to hear what you think of the steam canner. I just got an electric canner that has a steam canner capability but I haven’t tried it yet.

  7. Wayne Hendrix
    Wayne Hendrix says:

    Carter, I'm totally into the ginger, and garlic in anything tomato based. I like controlled aromatics, anytime I can include them. (Same for Cumin)
    I covered my head when the sugar showed up. Not that I am a sugar policeman… but it seemed like a left turn. I'll return to my seat at the back of the class. I had to remember that it is a jam. 😁

    On the other hand… I have some jalapenos ripening up outside… so…substitution is a fun option.
    Thank you.

  8. Mel
    Mel says:

    Hi Carter. I’m going to give this a try. My tomatoes are just starting to trickle in. I’m loving the thought of no peeling or straining.


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