Tomato & Garlic Butter Beans | Healthy & Delicious 20 Minute Recipe

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EPISODE 845 – How to Make Tomato & Garlic Butter Beans | Judiones de la Granja a la Mediterránea Recipe FULL RECIPE …

44 replies
    DIYGURL1 says:

    This was so amazingly good and very light effort!! Was wonderfully delicious, so much so, no left overs…. The 20 some year old ate most of it!! Thank you from a big fan 😊

  2. Rachana Soma
    Rachana Soma says:

    For some of us who actually think European food is all meat protein, this is a pleasant surprise ❤.. love to create it. I'm gonna try it with some Indian flat bread (parotà).. thankooo ❤ 💙

  3. Kevin Festner
    Kevin Festner says:

    Need to try this with fish, lightly sauteed in olive oil, thyme and smoked paprika. Darn, I do speak the Spanish of Mexico, but still need to tune my ears for the Castillian Spanish. It's the lisp I need to learn, the proper use, not to mention vosotros. The times I have been in Spain, Mexican slang has worked. Btw, last trip a long time ago, I bought an Admira guitar in Barcelona from a small shop. The owner was kind and very hospitable . Still love Madrid, but a bit hot in summer. This is why I prefer coastal Spain
    Spain looks like California.

  4. MariaTeresa Mondragon
    MariaTeresa Mondragon says:

    Wow, this really is made with pantry staples! The only item that I don't always have on hand is the spinach, but that is easily remedied. I may cook my own butter beans from dried (or I may not), but since I'm retired that is easy to do earlier in the day. The recipe looks and sounds delicious (Butter beans, tomatoes, and spinach are all in my list of favorite foods.) and I'm trying to appease my doctor by eating less animal protein, so this will be tried as soon as I can get to the store for some spinach.
    Thank you so very much.

  5. DownButNotOutYet
    DownButNotOutYet says:

    Good morning, this looks so fresh and healthy. Adding the spinach was a lovely surprise! I am sure to try this, it is light but so nourishing. Thank you for showing and sharing. Kind regards.

  6. Udo Steger
    Udo Steger says:

    Simple, fast and it looks very nice. Certainly one could also use fresh herbs if available. I also wonder if a bit of lemon zest would add to the flavor – either grated or a single piece cooked with the tomatoes. As for fish, ideally I would eat some grilled sardines with it but some fresh salmon fried in the pan or baked in the oven will do.

  7. Dave Leary
    Dave Leary says:

    Brother, I gotta tell ya… Your recipes have been a revelation to my kitchen!! Thank you for starting a YouTube channel, thank you for your frequent episodes, thank you for TONS of vegan options!!! Gracias, mi amigo, muchos gracias

  8. Eva Sanz
    Eva Sanz says:

    Judiones de la Granja, de Segovia, mi tierra. Tienes que hacerlos con bacalao porque la Semana Santa esta a la vuelta de la esquina.
    Saludos desde Alemania!

  9. Linda Hudson
    Linda Hudson says:

    As kids, we were forced to eat plain, over-cooked lima (aka butter) beans. I haven't touched them since. I'll try this recipe some time and let you know. (A thought: I might add raisins for a touch of sweetness—plus they go well with wilted spinach in other recipes.)

  10. calendarpage
    calendarpage says:

    When I saw the thumbnail, I was surprised. A can of butter beans and a can of stewed tomatoes was my go to 'I'm too tired to cook' meal after work. I like how you've ramped it up with the onions, carrots, and spinach and look forward to making it this way myself. Now that I'm retired, I'm not too tired to saute some onions. 😄


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