Toad in the Hole – Easy Cold Oven Method – Food Wishes

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The one thing almost all Toad in the Hole recipe videos have in common is the instruction to make sure get your fat smoking hot in the oven before adding your …

30 replies
  1. Tony C.
    Tony C. says:

    110% stealing that gravy recipe. I bet this would be really good with those little breakfast sausages I could eat a million of before anyone tries to stop me.

  2. iwtkc Kla
    iwtkc Kla says:

    Jesus CHRIST you guys are GETTING there. Hardly ANY caps people LEFT! My GOD people. ApplAUSE for not over-EMPHASISING! Yes I know you will probably consider me a troll and I don´t care.

  3. Steve H2488
    Steve H2488 says:

    I love your method and I am going to try it.
    Key points for me are,
    1, it dont matter if you have lumps in your batter, it always just seems to turn out fine.
    2, if you use an oven safe skillet or frying pan you don't have so much washing up.
    3, I have always done this with a piping hot oven and burnt myself multiple times making this dish. I'm hoping that this is the end of all that😏😃

  4. Nemie125
    Nemie125 says:

    This looks delicious! I cook mine (the dangerous way) in a cast-iron skillet. I cook the sausages in the skillet and then add the batter before whacking the whole lot into a hot oven. The batter always comes up very nicely.

  5. Kevin Poff
    Kevin Poff says:

    It took me a little bit before I noticed the rhythm in your speech, and now after noticing it, the repetition is almost intolerable. I suppose it is a result of the editing process, but alas I cannot focus on the video content as a result.

  6. lokisgodhi
    lokisgodhi says:

    I absolutely loathe having to scrub stove tops to clean them. So I cover it with with aluminum foil. Usually two sheets, a bit longer than the width of the stove top. Then overlap them, putting the back sheet on first, then the front sheet. Rip out holes for the gas burners so they work. Obviously you need to take them off and the frame that pots and pans sit on before laying the foil. Replace them after the foil is down. When it gets dirty enough, I peel of the foil and toss it, then replace with new clean foil. I've never tried this with an electric stove, so I don't know if it'd work on one.

  7. sd mahoney
    sd mahoney says:

    I made a lazy version of this lazy version! Precooked chicken and apple sausage from a well-known warehouse store that rhymes with bosco, about 1c flour, 2 eggs, milk, black pepper, savory, sage, salt. This was mixed in a paper bowl with a takeaway fork. no cleanup! I melted butter in my 8 in skillet, poured the batter in and put the two broken-in-half sausages and baked as Chef John says. It was about 3-4 minutes of hands on. So good!!! pic:

  8. Lori Fram
    Lori Fram says:

    —- my gran, a true Londoner, always skinned the sausages, rolled them in a mix of flour, salt and pepper and smidge of seasoning, – then into the pan. The sausages always stayed put and the batter rose around them, just thinking about that “comfort food “ meal gets the saliva moving. Thanks for the reminder, sausages on the shopping list.


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