Three Easy Valentine’s Day Candies | Peppermint Patties | Honey Comb | Nougat | Chewy Sugar Cookies

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48 replies
  1. Liz Dodson
    Liz Dodson says:

    Hey Becky! Love watching your videos. I may be wrong and you may already know this but it sounds on video like the beater on your kitchenaid is out of whack. When you lift the tilt head you’ll see an adjusting screw inside the top of the column that can be turned counterclockwise to lift the tilt head so the beater doesn’t bang the bowl so much. It is easy to find the instructions online.

  2. Carlee Atteberry
    Carlee Atteberry says:

    Oh my gosh the sugar!! So glad you didn't burn yourself! Cooking with gas is very different than electric and it took me a while to adjust to it as well, can't walk away from a gas stove. The coconut oil also helps "set" the candy faster because it's solid point is less than 78* so it sets up quickly when dipping cold items. (ex: magic candy shell/ice cream shell)

  3. Patty Torres
    Patty Torres says:

    Omg I have so much to catch up on. I've been home for a month now recovering from so much and I really missed your video's. I spent 3 weeks in the hospital. I went in around December 29th, got my surgery on Jan 9th Which I should have had my surgery on the 5th but I failed this stress test. So my surgeon would Operate without approval from the heart doctor, so that pushed it till the 9th. Along with that my mom went in the hospital and passed away on the 11th of Jan. I got out of the hospital on my birthday Jan 13. To be able to say a proper good bye to my mom. I'm so glad to be getting back to my happ place. Thank you Becky😊 💓

  4. Dorri Waldera
    Dorri Waldera says:

    Very cute idea, and love the boxes you used! What you call Honey Comb, my mom always made and called Angel Food.
    And, love the Nougat recipe! I just watched a cooking show, where their homemade nougat turned out like a rock, and could not even bite it.. LOL, I think I will try yours!

  5. Chrissy Francis8
    Chrissy Francis8 says:

    I make a ton of candy at Christmas time. Starting 12/1, by 12/24 I don’t want to look at sugar & chocolate again for months. My husband got me a new candy thermometer last year,(bigger-easier to read) AND the readings were off!! 2 batches of caramel in the garbage-cooled though. Humidity, heat & temp are candy killers no matter how many times you’ve made it.

  6. Rosenet Gonzales
    Rosenet Gonzales says:

    You are AWESOME, I love that you keep it real. You are such a positive person. Instead of being upset with that sugar because it burned, you didn't let it bring you down, you rose to the challenge. I appreciate all your recipes thank you 🙏🙏

  7. TheTrashWitch
    TheTrashWitch says:

    I am so sorry in advance, this whole video is so cute, and so wholesome and lovely and here I am the party-pooper hollering internally "Please don't call it love bombing!" lol if you are curious as to why, it is a very common red flag tactic used by narcissists.

  8. JoNi Wasson
    JoNi Wasson says:

    I absolutely loved this video!.. I have never looked at Valentines day like this. Becky, you have once again inspired me to do something for my family and friends in a different way to celebrate. What a great idea.

  9. J V
    J V says:

    Oh Becky, I just love you 😊. When you poured that burnt candy into your garbage can I yelled NO!! Know how I knew what would happen? Yep, you guessed it. Prior experience 😂. One good thing though, you’ll never do that again!

  10. alicealicealice
    alicealicealice says:

    Thank you for showing us all sides of the process to get to those delicious end results – even those that are frustrating! It makes me feel like my mistakes aren't quite as embarrassing when I see someone as accomplished as you still making them. (When I see someone else mess up: well, hey – that's totally understandable! When I mess up: how could I be so wasteful!!! Super illogical, but that's my brain.)

    One small thing I wanted to mention – the term 'love bombing' is used in psychology to describe a pretty unfortunate practice that some folks use to manipulate others. I know that's 1000% not what you're doing with these wonderful gifts! But since the term's already used to describe patterns with narcissists and the like, I wanted to let you know.

  11. Wine-not-whine
    Wine-not-whine says:

    You know you can fold your parchment paper to fit in your pan plus keep a pair of scissors in your kitchen drawer to have to open marshmallows, chocolate chips, or whatever you need to open!

  12. Jen Flowers
    Jen Flowers says:

    My mum used to cover the honey comb in milk chocolate yum. Do you not have Cadbury crunchy in the States this is a fave in the uk . My mum once made it and the contents exploded into the stove top she was chilling chunks off for days 😂😂😂

  13. Kathleen Hamilton
    Kathleen Hamilton says:

    Many years ago, I made a LOT of suckers. It was a recipe that has to go to the hard crack stage. I was babysitting several kids at the time and I got distracted. It got to 300+ and I realized it was burned. So I decided I didn't want to pour it in my trash can, and I would pour it into a clear disposable plastic cup. Right on my counter… yep, the plastic cup melted and ran off my cabinet to the trash can. When I saw it was melting my cup, I used my hand to swipe the cup into the trash. Second and third-degree burns on my hand. Lesson learned: don't put boiling sugar mixture into plastic!

  14. Sarafina Sølling
    Sarafina Sølling says:

    I have made a deal with MY teenager daugters tommorow. We are going to make ALL these candies, and pack Them in cute boxes, like yours. And then we are going to LOVEBOMB, some family and friends. Thanks for y’et another video,. I crave Acer homestead videoes, more than I crave anything else

  15. Mary Schultz
    Mary Schultz says:

    Hi Becky , I made the candy but I burned the first batch ! You really need to keep an eye on the thermometer. It’s was delicious. I use to eat this during Christmas time during the 1970’s . Brought me back to my childhood. We called it Angel food !


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