This Works MUCH Better Than Diet and Exercise!

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There is one principle out there that works better than diet and exercise. In this video, I am going to explain the pitfalls of diet and …

29 replies
  1. DuelScreen
    DuelScreen says:

    Thank you for making the video and the sincere seriousness that you spoke. I have a long path ahead of me. I've made some progress but I'm in a rut at the moment. I'm in one of those reassessment cycles. My nutrition got out of hand and I'm trying to bring it back inline but it will be a new normal because life has changed. Your video came across like a great pep talk and I appreciate that. Thank you.

  2. M Stew
    M Stew says:

    These principles are 100% accurate! Switching over from diet to nutrition, and from exercise to training was the only thing that helped me realize my goals and be able to maintain them over years! Thank you so much, Jeff, for breaking it down!

  3. Ernesto Mongalo
    Ernesto Mongalo says:

    It has been a tremendous journey, Jeff. From runner to lifting weights to now doing both to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Now, in my 40s, it's important to keep doing what I'm doing to last longer and be mobile as I age. My eating habits have changed as well. I'm excited for what's to come.

  4. Adam Orange
    Adam Orange says:

    Totally unrelated but ive been stuck on a 20 rep to fail and ive read that heavy lifting and light lifting kinda cancle each other out. AMP and mTOR, do u know anything about mitochondrial growthh? I want to deadlift 405 w ease but also be able to jog for at least 2 hours. Is it possible to do 100 real pushups AND bench 405.. or will one muscle smtimuli counter the other.

  5. LevWaxScreams
    LevWaxScreams says:

    This spoke to me in many different ways. Put a spotlight on my sobriety. I realized being sober from alcohol isn’t something that’s going to come easy but if I have long intervals of being sober and I go “off the path” like you said then for as long as I come back to doing the right thing I’ll eventually be where I want to be since it takes years of practice. Thanks Jeff!

  6. R Taber
    R Taber says:

    Great message. When I set goals, I start with little things – less cokes, more water; eat snacks but stop after 8pm; that kind of thing. Successfully making baby steps makes it possible to visualize taking bigger steps.

  7. Enat P
    Enat P says:

    Finally – after years of approaching health as a diet – I'm focusing on nutrition high quality meals – and lots of movement that includes flexibility, strength, cardio and relaxation.

  8. Jouni Osmala
    Jouni Osmala says:

    Fixing nutrition and training for 90% of people isn't telling them to do what we do for our goals. Its getting them to understand that largest health benefits come from actions they could actually take consistently. I would say that 90% of people really need is a training plan to get 150MET minutes of WEEKLY exercise that they do consistently that's larger all cause mortality help difference between that and triple and mentally speaking far more doable step for them. And the nutrition plan, CUT the SUGAR consumption 80%+ CONSISTENTLY. And when speaking sugar, it's stuff that we daily speak about sugar instead of technically sugar glucose. Now you have just got the largest health benefits with something people could actually do. For longevity stand point the first adaptations that come from the exercise are the most critical but need to be maintained thus it needs to be a permanent lifestyle change. It's below optimal level, but it's a lifestyle change that gives most of the longevity benefits and can be maintained. There's more to be gained, beyond that plan but first goal should be getting healthier not being in perfect shape.
    My first nutrition plan literally was just reducing sugar consumption, and by lifting pair of adjustable dumbbells 20-40min 3 times a week at home kept me always at a state that if I ate too much my muscle would grow and if I ate too little I would loose fat. So exercise was beyond minimal but it had a purpose of keeping me in state which would allow me to loose fat and gain muscle without caring too much about nutrition, I purposefully got beyond diminishing gains in terms of exercise gains. First weekly session would have gotten 60% of muscle gains, but I wanted the complete body transformation with minimal thought on diet.

    I did leave out alcohol and tobacco since those were never problem for me and seem to be harder problem to solve and are not training or nutrition.

  9. Trevor Philip
    Trevor Philip says:

    This is such great advice. Glad you made this video. I’m pretty lean, eat well, dialing in my training but sometimes get those off days. I tell myself to stay on the wagon, to ride the wave of the highs and lows and ultimately if you can withstand the knocks you will be victorious in the end.

    It takes work, patience and time to get where you want to be.

  10. James Ramos
    James Ramos says:

    Hi Jeff, I'm working on my nutrition. What is the djcference between pro-biotics and pre-biotics? Would you post/repost a viedo about them? Like, what foods contain them and what servings are best for nutrition? Thanks Jeff

  11. Bob Morgan
    Bob Morgan says:

    Through caregiver my daughter and wife thru terminal cancers, then a personal illness, I lost a total of 42 pounds. From 160 to 118, along with muscle mass. Two years later I've gained back 22 pounds. I exercise with weights. I can't gain more. I eat organic … help.


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