This ribeye dinner is so good!

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This ribeye dinner is so good! I show you a delicious ribeye piccata, easy and delicious.

39 replies
  1. Old Crow
    Old Crow says:

    Chicken Picatta using steak and it looks like you cooked the hell out of it.
    Should have pulled the steak on its way to MR and let it rest while reducing the sauce.
    Better luck next time.

  2. Elena Marcelino
    Elena Marcelino says:

    I won"t comment on the way you cooked your steak as others have already pointed out everything wrong with it. Won't try this one as I imagine it to be sour, what with all the lemon juice and zest that went into it.

  3. Vygal Nix
    Vygal Nix says:

    Um. I have never seen anyone cook like this. Normally, we juice the lemon first. Then cut up the butter in pieces so one side doesn’t burn. It’s going to be a very sour steak with poor crust. But I guess that’s what you like.

  4. Maria Rosa Borghini
    Maria Rosa Borghini says:

    Caro Lorenzo hai messo troppo limone e troppo capperi in ogni cosa ci vuole un giusto non mangerei mai la tua bistecca te lo dice una che lavora da una vita nei ristoranti hai messo troppo di tutto 😮

  5. Dick The Dorkwing
    Dick The Dorkwing says:

    What the hell did I just watch? The steak is an unappetizing dull grey and the sauce was broken so bad you could see the oil separating as it was poured over that poor steak. My six year old son would have fired me from the kitchen if I had presented him with this monstrosity.


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