This ramen technique will change your life | Shoyu Ramen | Marion's Kitchen

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Want to know how to make a Japanese shoyu ramen but want it quickly? This microwave shoyu ramen recipe is what you need!

34 replies
  1. eDmkk701
    eDmkk701 says:

    Does she know what she is doing? Stop humiliate other food with her amateur and unprofessional preparation…
    She should just stick with Thai food which she’s familiar with

  2. Tania Shipman
    Tania Shipman says:

    You can make boiled eggs in a convection oven. using the oven option When I used to eat eggs, I had the timings but I haven't for decades. But I used to do all my boiled eggs in my convection oven when I did. It takes a bit longer than boiling them, however, I liked mine hard boiled so just test for the time you need. I cooked mine at 180C. You don't have to worry about boiling water; once you get the temperature and timing you want for your eggs, you get perfect eggs every time.

  3. Tish W
    Tish W says:

    It's listed as $1529 USD. It's a new product so it will be expensive. I, however, would invest simply because I won't waste time. I could see myself using this in dozens of ways. It replaces so many different appliances.

  4. Alejandro Ma‘Re
    Alejandro Ma‘Re says:

    I mean, it's a cool hack… if I didn't have to spend thousands on another microwave. And I think store bought broth is disgusting (sorry, not sorry), so I'll just stick to the normal method tbh. 😂

  5. Kayzee Zulueta
    Kayzee Zulueta says:

    YO!!! Restaurant Ramen in record time.. You can totally pull that off… who says you're not cool enough for that??? This is one of my faves from now on.. all that in under 3hrs… c'mon!! quality ramen.. for the win!!!

  6. Sejj
    Sejj says:

    I don’t know about you all, but I hate the microwave taste, I can feel and taste the difference between something that was heated in a microwave or in an oven, I can’t imagine how strong is the taste in a food cooked in a microwave.


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