This One Reason Why a Vegan Influencer Lost Her Life #veganism

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This One Reason Why a Vegan Influencer Lost Her Life #veganism Following a raw vegan diet can be an appealing choice for …

29 replies
  1. @Lyserg_
    @Lyserg_ says:

    All raw? I would feel bad if I didn't get some warm meals, as in physically ill in a week or two. Talking from experience
    My mum always says "you need a hot stove meal"

  2. @a-lien
    @a-lien says:

    "fad diets have very real consequences" in a video about a vegan who you told us likely had an ED and mental health problems is probably the shittiest take on a plant based diet I have seen to date

  3. @Hikarushinyi
    @Hikarushinyi says:

    Most peoples misinterpreted what omnivore really is🤷 omnivore need 2 sustenance of food to keep body functioning, deprive any 2 of these could cause health damage, this woman didn't realized she is slowly killing herself, her body is clearly show it's consume own fat to convert energy until there is nothing despite eating a lot of fruits & veges🙁 worst of all doing yoga speed up her demise

  4. @AaronMetallion
    @AaronMetallion says:

    I've been a vegan for 8 years. I tracked every single ingredient for 1 year on Cronometer to make sure I hit all my nutrients. I also had 1.8x the non-heme iron, supplemented B12, and consumed ALA / EPA rich foods (hemp, walnuts, chia, flax…), I also consume 1.6g/kg of protein on workout days. I do annual blood work, and it has consistently been perfect results except for a D3 deficiency this year, which has nothing to do with diet, and everything to do with my lack of exposure to sunlight (I work night shift). There is no 'vegan diet', but hundreds of permutations and combinations of diets. The one's who drink cucumber water & smoothies, eliminate entire nutrition groups (like carbs, fats, starches), or survive on junk food etc. are living irresponsibly; and there's irresponsible examples on both sides, and both extremes (Nicacadoavocado). She definitely had an eating disorder, and may she rest in peace. But right after she passed, the whole family sent me articles and warnings about my lifestyle. I should mention the leading cause of death is CVD, and there's a disproportionately massive amount of people dying from Ischemic strokes and heart attacks (LDL Cholesterol and saturated fats from animal products), but it never garners the same virality of a single vegan dying.

  5. @thecollector5243
    @thecollector5243 says:

    In addition, anyone who knows anything about nutrition knows that mainly living on fruits is like constantly shoveling sugar into your body.
    Fruits should be treated like a dessert not the staple of your diet.

  6. @oceanegele3559
    @oceanegele3559 says:

    Yes, there was an imbalance of a lot of things in her life. Obviously mentally, but one article mentions “She also claimed that her body did not ‘require’ water, writing last year that her fruit-based diet meant she had gone without water for the past six years.” That alone is insane. Her mom said she had an infection that got worse with her diet (mostly fruit, which is healthy in itself but not the best during an infection; sugar, even in its natural form, can make a sickness worse). There are lots of experienced raw vegans into their senior years who are thriving, ones who are not trying to follow a trend but giving their bodies what they need, eating a wide variety of nourishing whole foods, and are mentally and spiritually at peace; just happy people. This story is unfortunately very sad.


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