This One Change Unleashed My Cooking Creativity

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When learning to cook it can be easy to focus all your energy on new techniques in order to improve in the kitchen. But sometimes …

44 replies
  1. NiNi Na
    NiNi Na says:

    Potatoes have really beautiful flowers. You have a nice garden. 😊

    My most important cooking change was thinking in ingredient blocks because it meant I knew how to exchange one ingredient if I couldn't get it. And starting from my staples instead of the recipe.

    I highly recommend a tortilla sandwich with baguette.

  2. Marc Lescarbeau
    Marc Lescarbeau says:

    You should buy a kevlar glove to protect your finger tips … good work to you for what youve been creating for the last couple of years, i love your work, keep up. And yes, you should create a gardening serie … Thanks and have a nice day

  3. singincherry
    singincherry says:

    I loved this video! Please do more garden based content and maybe some instructions for beginners interested in gardening. Also, definitely make a garden harvest Cooking series! Thanks Mike!!

  4. Alex 516
    Alex 516 says:

    The very little potatoes are a delight to eat, just lightly boiled in their skins gives you a lovekly little snack much the way you'd eat peanuts or pistaccios ! They taste sweet and lovely !

  5. Keren Mata
    Keren Mata says:

    can you do a video on a variety of marinates for chicken?
    i feel like cooking chicken can sometimes feel repetitive when u don’t know how to cook it differently


    Buy what's on sale and in season. When deciding what to cook you just work your way from which products spoil the fastest to the products which stay preserved longest. Not?
    If something is bout to spoil I find creative ways to preserve them. Mainly by drying them. I've had so much yield that I have enough herbs and chillies for the winter.

  7. You
    You says:

    The best way to describe you is watching a chaotic ny man trying to cook on the spot and finessing your way into being a content creator

  8. Michelle Garnica
    Michelle Garnica says:

    This is the way to do it! It’s all about fresh, home grown ingredients. Nothing more rewarding. You can go far with this theme. I grow new things each year and wonder how to make them sing in the kitchen. I and many other avid veggie gardeners would love to talk recipes/inspiration, etc.

  9. Yuki Gibson
    Yuki Gibson says:

    those potatoes definately arnt ready yet. You should wait until the plant dies back to dig your potatoes up. That way you'll get more potatoes and they'll be larger.

  10. Lord Toran penfold
    Lord Toran penfold says:

    potato omelettes are my go to for an awesome breakfast, the main differences when i make it are that i use less oil and a non stick pan (also lets you have fun flipping it with just the pan), and i cut the potato into smaller cubes and fry the outside till gold and crunchy for some more fun textures. (oh and added cheese)

  11. Shelley Lipman
    Shelley Lipman says:

    My mom's method for crispy latkes: after shredding the veggies put them in a sieve over a bowl and press with a towel. Pour out the liquid and add any starch at the bottom of the bowl back to the veggies. Thank you for more ideas for cooking from my garden!

  12. Cascail Boutx
    Cascail Boutx says:

    I do the same thing. The things I can't grow, I get at our great farmer's market. This little town only has six thousand inhabitants but every Saturday it has this huge, colorful market, which won the contest of the most beautyful market in the region of Occitanie in Southern France. Lots of phantastic organic produce, in fact there are only four non organic vegetable stands, great cheeses and cured meats, and I counted 17 stands that sell food, Paellas, Couscous, Indian food, Lybian, Thai, Vietnamese , Vegan, sushi, you name it it'old there, and, and, and….


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