This Might Be The Most Insane Protein Oatmeal I've Ever Made

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23 replies
  1. @danir8953
    @danir8953 says:

    I've tried using casein for my overnight oats and I didn't like the texture at all. But I switched to doing morning oats and sticked with using whey. I'll give it a try tomorrow with casein.

  2. @morgotz
    @morgotz says:

    Whenever you want to achieve a "deep rich chicolatey flavour", add a bit of instant espresso/coffee powder. Near to 0 calories, but imo a great flavour enhancement

  3. @Veo87
    @Veo87 says:

    I want to try this, but I really hate spending a ton of money on protien powder, especially when I don't know if I'll like the flavor of what I buy. I also never see casein options when I'm looking around stores. Still, if I can find some reasonably priced protein powder, I'll give this a try.

  4. @nattyfatty6.0
    @nattyfatty6.0 says:

    0:12 I think "chewiness" might've been a more appropriate adjective, in English. At least, I don't think the oats will still be crunchy once cooked
    Although some of the toasted oats sprinkled on top after cooking as a garnish would have a crunch and sounds like a good idea now that I think of it


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