This is my healing food

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35 replies
  1. Y. B
    Y. B says:

    Surprisingly we have a veryyyy similar dish in germany called "Hühnerfrikasse". Its made with chicken, peas, carrots and sometimes asparagus. Its cooked and thickend by the chicken stock. You eat it with rice and mix everything together. My family especially eats it on cold, rainy or snowy days. Its super comforting

  2. durga
    durga says:

    We too have a sick food made with rice(broken) called "Kanji" in Tamil Nadu, India. More or less similar to this but we don't add chicken or veggies. But its such a comfort food when u r ill.

  3. Caitlyn Watts
    Caitlyn Watts says:

    I feel like I'm cured by just watching this! Next time I get sick I need to find someone to make me this. Or just learn to cook rice 😅 this might actually be a lil easier considering half the time my rice is glue and the other half it's still crunchy.


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