This Is ✨LIFE✨Changing! • Y'all Need To Hear This!

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46 replies
  1. Chasity Provance
    Chasity Provance says:

    When my kids were little we had a acre of ground. We had a garden and the kids loved it. I couldn't keep Cucumbers because they loved them 😄 I also grew some of the most beautiful roses. I miss those times. Kids are grown now and we live in town but we're hoping to move back to the country. I definitely appreciated God's creation.

  2. Cathy
    Cathy says:

    I go barefooted in winter around in my yard. I do wear some sort of shoe or flip flop to go out in public. Now if snow and ice are on the ground I cover my feet.

  3. Jersey bee crazy
    Jersey bee crazy says:

    the most healing place is when I work in the dirt and plant seeds. Jersey is a wild ride these days. so sad to see so many falling for what is happening and has been happening. Many Constantly questioning those that decide to take up farming. Perhaps I will never become a millionaire but I am rich in the wisdom that I am following the path God has put in front of me. I Feel close to my maker and fall to my knees at times in my Garden asking for guidence in the midst of all that is happening around me. Praying for so many that have fallen for the things making everyone sick including those in my family that have fallen for it . Thankful many are waking up and understanding what is going on. I and many other mothers fought two years ago for our religious freedoms at our State capitol. Right after that the world shut down. But I knew that they wouldnt let us win. I had a spiritual awakening feeling my makers presence at that capitol , it brought me to my knees, being brought in the right situations and places to hear and see what I needed to see. I fought to have my son stay in school without going against our religius and bodily rights. I was questioned every day since then about our choices to pull our child out of school and homeschool. I am a single mom, a farmer and a maker,everyday is not easy, I know I am making the right choice. How could I trust a system that would allow the government to smother our children .and send him back to that . They have shown what they will do and how the education sytem will comply even when the school boards didnt agree. It seems rare that people will stand up for what is right. There is a saying. I would rather die on my feet than live on my Knees

  4. Tadhg Hayden
    Tadhg Hayden says:

    I'm out….. profoundly immersed on so many levels the heart of nature..flexing my God given sensibilities…instead of being super pixelated to couch potato zombified death…To find attenuated magnificence in the to be truely ordained in the temple of God……..This is the real glory!….Find the bigger picture of What life is really actually About….we all have to surrender our just to be special egos,, locate those universal principles ,. And band together around these intrinsic things… believe me there will still be room enough for folks true authentic individual qualities to express….in symbiosis

  5. Justin Rumsby
    Justin Rumsby says:

    I've come to gardning late in life really. Never was interested a teen and in my 20s and most of the 30s. Can't remember when it changed and how but, I remember wanting to make pumpkin pie as we don't really have this in England. My sister wanted jack o lantens also. So, I decided to give pumpking growing a go. After the first two years of that I ended up expanding my garden activities to aubergenes, courgiettes, tomatoes, brocoli, onions. Now, planting flower bulbs. I've got a list of vegatables to grow this year.
    I love being in the garden. It's relexing funnily enough. Can be hard work digging yet, feel better aftewards. i recommend everyone have a go.

    MARY JENSEN says:

    I feel great today, better for being out in the garden, yep got my hands dirty. I did the digging and some shoveling🌱 It's summer here in Queensland Australia🇦🇺 pretty warm, probably similar to Texas🌵summers with a bit of humidity thrown in! I felt grounded, loved being outdoors and will sleep better tonight for it. So true all you said. Thanks for encouraging video Matt!🙏 💪🪵🥑🍎🍊🌽🐔

  7. richard wydro
    richard wydro says:

    Basically get off your fucking ass don’t use toilet paper use water to wash your butt if you can’t help others to learn so because you don’t leave anything bad behind a.k.a. don’t use toilet paper on your behind use water because they just want to make toilet paper to Our land away from growing food it’s all a fucking oligarch of hell for one person to succeed and send us all to hell and God is in charge of the devil so the more we wake up the more God loves us let’s wake up together world as a world

  8. Glenda Nalle
    Glenda Nalle says:

    Love y’all’s channel. The highlight of my day during the winter is being able to go into my greenhouse or my garage and pick fresh lettuce, dark green spinach, and kale to make my lunch salad or dinner salad. Love walking barefoot when I can and when I’m not around goat heads. A simple life brings real Joy and balance to life. I’m a certified NASM trainer, and I absolutely agree with strength training, and performing balance and proprioceptive exercises. Exercise, sun, getting your hands in the dirt, and fresh air are so important for physical and mental health. I live on 155 acres and I try to get out onto our place and perform as many active things I can to not only improve my health but to make our place provide what is needed for that simple life.

  9. DJ51011
    DJ51011 says:

    Wow them 2-4 second video cuts at the beginning are screwing with my ADHD 🤣 I love to go barefoot but not always great within Strongyloides larvae areas. We dont have them up here, but we do down there in Texas. With Mesquite thorns not good going barefoot in my area of Texas anyway. Back on topic We always do a "Victory Garden" it all helps for certain.


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