This Indian Chicken Recipe Made Me Float (Butter Chicken)

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42 replies
  1. Aman
    Aman says:

    The chicken marinade was a bit less than blasphemous… It should have been marinated with atleast a dozen other spices and left to soak for atleast 5 hours… The process after that you nailed it

  2. That Dude
    That Dude says:

    You may as well watch the video he stole this basically step by step from. It’s the top butter chicken video on YouTube, and yes it is stolen because every other video is slightly different except this one.

  3. WoWurTooGood
    WoWurTooGood says:

    Fuck this recipe looks great, definitely going to try. I've made around 20+ recipes for buttchick and I love the stripped down nature of this, without much compromise. Good shit laddie


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