This got me emotional…..

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AcreHomestead #GroceryHaul #DITL #FallHarvest #Garden2021 Instagram @Acre Homestead Recipes are on …

41 replies
  1. Joy Gunn
    Joy Gunn says:

    I enjoy watching you harvest your garden. We used to have a small garden years ago, and it was so fulfilling to harvest ours. There is nothing like picking tomatoes or anything else, knowing โ€œI grew thatโ€. I also enjoy watching your videos because Iโ€™m all about freezer meals, and youโ€™ve given me some great ideas. Thank you

  2. Raven Brown
    Raven Brown says:

    I am totally blown away on how much food you have gotten. I know Iโ€™m in the wrong state to grow food New Mexico stinks weโ€™re selling and moving I really hate New Mexico

  3. Susie Ast
    Susie Ast says:

    If you like the orange CoverGirl, try the pink one! I used the orange for the longest time until I found the pink! It is sooo good! Makes your lashes super nice! โค๏ธโค๏ธ I think it's called Lash Bloom by CoverGirl

  4. Angela O'Conner
    Angela O'Conner says:

    We use a heavy layer of straw after our squash and pumpkins flower out to keep them dry โ€ฆ also our neighbor has screen shelves down each side that he holds up with pvc and wood frames he grows on but thatโ€™s a lot of work

  5. Tracy Ruth
    Tracy Ruth says:

    Becky, your vegetables always look perfect! I love thrifting but haven't been in awhile so I'd love to see thrifting videos. Thank you for sharing your day with us ๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ‘

  6. Shelley Mourer
    Shelley Mourer says:

    Are you going to do a mail video? We love to see what was sent to you. Iโ€™m loving that your garden gloves are not matching ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚ Becky, maybe you should get a big garden wagon. I wonder if that would be better for you. Would love to see thrifting videos

  7. Francesca B
    Francesca B says:

    Hi Becky, love your garden. What fertilizer do you use? Your garden is so productive, I'm hoping mine can be this productive next year. Also, I cried when I picked my first mushrooms LOL

  8. Kyu T Lee
    Kyu T Lee says:

    Print out a sheet of graph paper.
    Make a layout of your garden beds.
    On the open space remaining put numbers of the amount of plants you plan on planting.
    On the top corner put a place for the date.
    Print out several copies.and keep an accordian fike folder for it or a folder for in a file cabinet if you have it.
    Then every year you can put circles for where you planted things and put a number in it then put the name of the item you planted after the number in the number list.
    When you harvest seeds you can easily put the number of the plant and date from the grid map.
    This way you will never forget what you planted or what the seeds are from.
    My grandma used to also make notes on the back on what items she loved and did not like or did not grow well.
    She would then make a list on 2 seperate sheets of one being PLANT AGAIN and NEVER PLANT AGAIN.
    This way as you try new things you will not repeat planting things that do not do well or you do not like.
    She used to draw a picture of the items sheloved in the garden that season to put in te file for that year. We have an easy way to take pictures now.
    My grandmother raised 9 children during the great deoression in the USA from her garden, chickens and 2 cows.

  9. Teresa Trump
    Teresa Trump says:

    I made 6-1/2 pints of salsa verde today and Sunday canned 7 quarts of tomatoes. Thursday or Friday I will be making green enchilada sauce from green tomatoes. I still have two 5 gallon buckets of green tomatoes.

  10. Red Rosalie
    Red Rosalie says:

    For the deseeding the pods, put them all even with stems on a tarmac and hit them with would sticks, the seeds will drop out of them and onto the tarmac. Itโ€™s a faster way than pulling or scrunching the pods with your hands. Enjoyed your video!

  11. Ashes B
    Ashes B says:

    Are your girls going to get a pumpkin for Thanksgiving dinner? A rescue near me always gives their turkeys a pumpkin (smashed open, of course) and they seem to have a grand old time! (Then again, Thanksgiving is in October for me, I wonder if your pumpkins will still be tasty in November?)

  12. Rebecca Journey
    Rebecca Journey says:

    I love you hugged your beautiful pumpkin! I cooked a cheesy spaghetti squash recipe and it was Sooooo good! I love Butternut squash too, all squashes! Reminds me I just picked up an acorn squash!

    Gorgeous bouquet Becky! It makes me so happy to see youโฃ enjoy your day off!! Yes we love thrifting!

  13. Emily Berg
    Emily Berg says:

    Having so little rain sounds difficult. I can't imagine dealing with that. But wow, you must not have squash bugs or vine borers. Your harvest is stunning!!!!! Congratulations!!!

    Also, I love your channel. Usually I don't like to watch people who are in such different climates from me, but I truly enjoy your content.


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