This Alligator was a Man Eater {Catch Clean Cook} We Ate his TONGUE!

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This gator was mean and dangerous! to say his tongue was unique is an understatement!!! How to clean a gator start to finish: …

22 replies
  1. Skyler Smith
    Skyler Smith says:

    Today’s my 23rd birthday n I wake up to this video!! Best birthday present yet! So glad to see your road to recovery come this far! I want to thank you for inspiring millions including myself much love

  2. Jordyn Xrime
    Jordyn Xrime says:

    The only thing I can think of when you guys were walking it down the green towards shallow water was "I'm just walking my swamp puppy, nothing to it" Then I remembered that he tried to kill someone that same day.

  3. Deebz
    Deebz says:

    its cool to see you guys stepping out of your comfort zone with food. lengua is a super common food amongst different cultures. they waste as little meat as possible. im not shocked that Sara didnt like it 😛

  4. luis lopez
    luis lopez says:

    Idk about gator tongue rob but Mexican tradition we eat cow tongue 😂 we eat our tacos with onion, cilantro and salsa. But we boil until tender with a bit of salt and peppercorns 🤷🏻 the texture is weird but it’s something you just gotta get used to eating a few times and then you end up liking it.

  5. connor mc
    connor mc says:

    Instant pots are fantastic. great if you are on the road or perhaps without a full kitchen. Rise is all to easy. It makes even the toughest of meats tender if prepared the right way. I love making shredded buffalo chicken sliders using the instant pot, best cooking device purchase I ever made. Also, glad to see you are recovering well. All the best!

  6. Nathaniel
    Nathaniel says:

    That Gator tongue looked chewy, probably could've pan seared it a bit longer before steaming it?
    Or vice versa, steaming it first then putting a nice sear on it?
    I probably would've tried both ways, and frying it to see which tasted the best.


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