Thick apple butter with skins on!

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Don’t waste your time anymore with peeling the skins off your apple’s. This recipe skips that step and is super easy. You just need …

21 replies
  1. Janice Paige
    Janice Paige says:

    My mom and mamaw used same ingredients plus nutmeg. They used the red cinnamon dot candy back then idk if those are available today. They cooked theirs in a gas stove oven in a roaster pan. I think they worked with what they had back then but I remember it was very tasty on a homemade biscuit 😋 I've made it a few times like you're doing now and was very happy with end results. As long as my family liked it I was happy in ❤️. God bless you honey I enjoy all your videos!!!

  2. Gail Day
    Gail Day says:

    We had so many apples and hence apple
    Butter that we turned some into apple butter fruit leather. It is amazing. The spices are so delightful and the apple flavor intense. We put a layer of plastic wrap and then about 1/8-3/16 inch layer of the butter and dried for about 24 hours until we could peel it off the plastic and then put it back in for a few more hours. Out it in parchment in small sections and then rolled and cut it.

    I’ve also put small sections in a plastic container and put parchment between the layers and put it in the freezer to store. This time I put it in jars rolled up and sucked out the air to seal. We’ll see how it goes.

  3. Dr. It Up
    Dr. It Up says:

    My roaster was full, now, 18 hr later it’s down half! Going to let it go all day today, the apples were very white flesh. Never saw such white apples! So it’s not as dark as I thought.
    We’ll see how it looks tonight.

  4. T Jean Vlogs
    T Jean Vlogs says:

    A method I have used for fruit butters is similar to your start. Fill half way with apples, add extras, add more apples and use the lid until soft.
    Once soft, hit with a potato masher. When possible, combine pots. Restart another pot of be apples. When cooked be down add to initial batch. Keep going until the pot if full. Then jar.
    Feel free to dip into the pot to smoother pancakes, top ice cream.
    If you have a wood stove, winter is the best time to do fruit butters, biggest stock pot for the sauce -unlidded (use a diffuser or trivet) and other cooking the fruit to smashing point -lidded.
    Once you have this down, then it's time to learn how to make fruit only syrups and molasses. Yes just fruit and enough water to not scorch the fruit. Another wood stove winter days project. Use like honey for the syrup, and we'll molasses is molasses. (Apple, pear, quince/apple, paw paw, peach, plum, berries, citrus (use apple/pear/white grape to sweeten the tarter fruit).
    Once its to the butter stage, you can make curd from it (rhubarb service berry curd is delightful and makes great holiday gifts). If you freeze the fruit first is gets to the smoosh place faster.


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