These eggplant patties are better than meat! Simple and easy eggplant recipe! [Vegan]

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These eggplant patties are better than meat! Simple and easy eggplant vegan recipe!It’s so delicious that I cook it almost every …

45 replies
  1. Ithildiess
    Ithildiess says:

    Huh chickpea crumbs this is a first time i ever encounter this.
    Is it fried crushed dried chickpeas?
    or have they been soaked also?
    looks really interesting. as im very sensitive to gluten this sounds amazing.

  2. T M
    T M says:

    Best ASMR cooking video. No obnoxious voice over, no relentless requesting to "LIKE AND SUBSCRIBE!!!", no 15 minutes intro about the persons' pet rock collection forcing me to scroll to find the protein. Just beautiful food, along a beautiful natural soundtrack. Whoever made this video, you are a beautiful human being, I wish the world had more people like you right now.

  3. Светлана Г
    Светлана Г says:

    Добрый день! Вчера, по- вашему рецепту, приготовила котлеты из баклажан. Безумно вкусные! 😋👍Моя дочь вегетарианка, она оценила на 100+. Буду готовить всё, что вы предлагаете, по порядку. 🙏🙏🙏❤❤❤🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹

  4. Светлана Г
    Светлана Г says:

    Огромная благодарность за ваши рецепты! 🙏 Они действительно очень вкусные, готовлю с большим желанием и ем с огромным аппетитом! 😋 Москва.


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