Thermapen One by ThermoWorks!

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It’s here, it’s finally here! The long awaited improvement to the best hand held instant read thermometer on the planet! Introducing the Thermapen ONE!

13 replies
  1. Gus M
    Gus M says:

    Just got the Mk4 delivered yesterday. Of course the day after I ordered it I get the email from Thermaworks on the ONE. Oh well. I’m sure the Mk4 will do just fine especially for $69 vs. $105.

  2. GT’s Barbecue and Cuisine
    GT’s Barbecue and Cuisine says:

    Looks awesome. I’ve been hearing a lot of buzz on this and my friend Louis at R Shack just ordered one. If I didn’t have four others I’d buy this in a second. Yes ONE second. As soon as I can justify a replacement I’ll be getting one. Thanks for the review brother! Have a great weekend!

  3. Pickles BBQ
    Pickles BBQ says:

    Great review Big Lew! I got to say, every second counts when you’re trying to temp over hot coals. I’ve lost whatever arm hair I have many times waiting. Hope you’re having a great summer!


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